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  1. #1
    Community Member Ithrani's Avatar
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    Default PC: +2 Maul of Smiting rr WF

    Someone offered to buy it off of me but I can't even begin to set a starting price. Anyone have any idea what it would be a fair price, 100k plat? 50k?
    DDO Completionist-You Win DDO-You Lose Life

  2. #2
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    Honestly, 0k. Its really not worth anything as its a blunt smiting weapon thats race required. If you really feel the need to charge for it, perhaps 10k would be fair.

  3. #3
    Community Member Citymorg's Avatar
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    I am not a trade expert when it comes to this game. However, I still think that smiting being a Power 5 is a GREAT suffix. A two-handed weapon, like a maul, will appeal to Barbarians--which are frequently WF. It may not appeal to everyone, but I bet there is a very special WF or non-WF UMD Paladin that would love to have that weapon. I would look to get a MINIMUM of 1,000,000gp for it (100k Plat). It might easily be worth more than that.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Citymorg View Post
    I am not a trade expert when it comes to this game. However, I still think that smiting being a Power 5 is a GREAT suffix. A two-handed weapon, like a maul, will appeal to Barbarians--which are frequently WF. It may not appeal to everyone, but I bet there is a very special WF or non-WF UMD Paladin that would love to have that weapon. I would look to get a MINIMUM of 1,000,000gp for it (100k Plat). It might easily be worth more than that.
    Very few barbarians use mauls. Infact, not many people use mauls at all except perhaps greater undead bane.

    Dwarves, humans, etc are just as likely to be barbarians. Mine is an elf.

    Smiting on a weapon that ONLY crits on a 20 is useless and not very many builds take Improved Critical: Bludgeoning

    It is tied with crossbows as the worst possible smiting weapon in the game. The crit range and the fact that very few people have the feat to improve that crit range render it pretty limited.

    I bought a smiting greatsword on the AH the other day for 12k. This was not a buyout. This was an actual auction that -no one- was interested in bidding on. Greatswords, as bladed weapons, are far more popular with barbarians -- especially since quite a few of them spec for greataxes. Chances are they'll have the feat.

    No, it has no real value. There is no demand for said weapon,but, by all means, throw it on the AH for 100k opening bid and see if you get any interest.
    Last edited by Pecky; 11-29-2007 at 05:23 PM.

  5. #5
    Community Member ShadowFox1978's Avatar
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    Sorry to disagree City. The fact that it is blunt(only crits on a 20) means it is sub par for a smiter. Any on crit effect is increased or decreased in value based on the crit range of teh weapon. 20k would probably be the top end for the maul.

    Lendra/Lendraa/Mordachi/Deathsong and assorted other gimps

  6. #6
    Community Member KoolHand's Avatar
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    Default as a WF Barbarian I can say

    The mauls' crit is a 20. The only class I can think of that would like that weapon is a true barb. who get crit rage II to lower it down to 18. Most peeps like slashers w/ the better crit range. I use greatswords for this reason on my smiter. Still a nice weapon, throw out a price and adjust from there.

  7. #7
    Community Member GHOSTRYDER's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pecky View Post
    As you stated right from the start, you are not a trade expert.

    Show me a barbarian that uses a maul.

    Dwarves, humans, etc are just as likely to be barbarians. Mine is an elf.

    Smiting on a weapon that ONLY crits on a 20 is useless and not very many builds take Improved Critical: Bludgeoning

    It is tied with crossbows as the worst possible smiting weapon in the game. The crit range and the fact that very few people have the feat to improve that crit range render it pretty limited.

    I bought a smiting greatsword on the AH the other day for 12k. This was not a buyout. This was an actual auction that -no one- was interested in bidding on. Greatswords, as bladed weapons, are far more popular with barbarians -- especially since quite a few of them spec for greataxes. Chances are they'll have the feat.

    No, it has no real value. There is no demand for said weapon and don't be fooled into listing to Citymorg. But, by all means, throw it on the AH for 100k opening bid and see how much interest you get.
    Pecky i agree with and you're right but you dont have to trash the guy, you stated your opinion just let everyone else state theirs, im sure the op will realize what it's worth after a few more people post their opinions. If citymorg is wrong his opinion will be outnumbered and the truth will be told, but there's no reason to act like youre the loot god.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by GHOSTRYDER View Post
    Pecky i agree with and you're right but you dont have to trash the guy, you stated your opinion just let everyone else state theirs, im sure the op will realize what it's worth after a few more people post their opinions. If citymorg is wrong his opinion will be outnumbered and the truth will be told, but there's no reason to act like youre the loot god.
    Yeah, you're right. After re-reading it, I'll edit it. It wasn't my intention to trash him but rather point out what I disagreed with.

  9. #9
    Community Member Ithrani's Avatar
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    Default Holy $#!%

    This isn't the Adar martket place of June 2006, grow up people, I asked for a PC not for you to start flaming each others who offer their opinions. Sorry I even started it and I am going to ask a mod to shut this thread down.
    DDO Completionist-You Win DDO-You Lose Life

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ithrani View Post
    This isn't the Adar martket place of June 2006, grow up people, I asked for a PC not for you to start flaming each others who offer their opinions. Sorry I even started it and I am going to ask a mod to shut this thread down.
    I'm not sure anyone is flaming anyone in this thread. I think most people are offering their opinion on the value of the item and why they believe that.

  11. #11
    Community Member GHOSTRYDER's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ithrani View Post
    This isn't the Adar martket place of June 2006, grow up people, I asked for a PC not for you to start flaming each others who offer their opinions. Sorry I even started it and I am going to ask a mod to shut this thread down.
    lol yea i think this may be a little uncalled for, wasnt that big of a deal

  12. #12
    Community Member HumanJHawkins's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ithrani View Post
    Someone offered to buy it off of me but I can't even begin to set a starting price. Anyone have any idea what it would be a fair price, 100k plat? 50k?

    Dude... Ignore the naysayers. Since bludgeoning Smiters are by far more common than other types, there are a lot of people who take improved crit bludgeoning... Whether that is wise or not is another story, but I have seen it, heard it, and on one toon that is a TWF who happened to have two maces of smiting, done it.

    And something around 50% of people think RR is a bad thing that reduces the value. The other 50% think it is a huge plus because they can use the thing two levels earlier. Plus, there are people who make play choices based on emotion rather than math, so to them the relative effectiveness of a weapon is not as important as the fact that it is a really big hammer.

    It would only cost about 140 plat to post it on the auction. So I suggest asking 100K plat from the guy who wants it. If that's too much, put it up for 3 day auction on a wednesday (so it ends on a busy saturday) with a 50K plat starting bid and a 200K buyout. Thus, the fair market will decide. If it doesn't sell, put it up the next week for a 20K start and 100K buyout.

    My guess (and I'll bet you 10 copper on it :-) is that it sells for between 50 and 100K.
    Sarlona - Nyr Dyv Raiders
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  13. #13
    Community Member Ithrani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HumanJHawkins View Post
    Dude... Ignore the naysayers. Since bludgeoning Smiters are by far more common than other types, there are a lot of people who take improved crit bludgeoning... Whether that is wise or not is another story, but I have seen it, heard it, and on one toon that is a TWF who happened to have two maces of smiting, done it.

    And something around 50% of people think RR is a bad thing that reduces the value. The other 50% think it is a huge plus because they can use the thing two levels earlier. Plus, there are people who make play choices based on emotion rather than math, so to them the relative effectiveness of a weapon is not as important as the fact that it is a really big hammer.

    It would only cost about 140 plat to post it on the auction. So I suggest asking 100K plat from the guy who wants it. If that's too much, put it up for 3 day auction on a wednesday (so it ends on a busy saturday) with a 50K plat starting bid and a 200K buyout. Thus, the fair market will decide. If it doesn't sell, put it up the next week for a 20K start and 100K buyout.

    My guess (and I'll bet you 10 copper on it :-) is that it sells for between 50 and 100K.
    Thanks bud, my problem here wasn't anyone saying it was worth less then 50k plat.
    DDO Completionist-You Win DDO-You Lose Life

  14. #14
    Community Member Ithrani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GHOSTRYDER View Post
    lol yea i think this may be a little uncalled for, wasnt that big of a deal
    My thread, I rather it not become an argument with insults tossed around. It does not count to edit a response Pecky you still started slinging **** for no reason and you did flame City's opinion.
    DDO Completionist-You Win DDO-You Lose Life

  15. #15
    *squish*splash*squish* The_Mighty_Cube's Avatar
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    Closed at request of OP
    Do not cross The Mighty Cube!

    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge
    Everyone knows Gelatinous Cubes are Weapons of Mass Digestion.

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