There are still people who dislike the enhancement system. Me being one of them.

Furthermore, this idea of introducing Prestige classes through enhancements is just laughable. So as you see, they should prepare for controversy when doing controversial things. Hard to have pity for that when it does happen.

As far as Codog's commitment, I applaud that person for putting in so much effort. Seriously though, why is Codog the only dev we see that passionate about their work?

Turbine is fighting a lot of battles that they shouldn't have to fight simply because they forgot something. They forgot to have a public face. They do all their internal stuff, but they just about slip up every time there's a public relations issue.

The comment about riding a bike to work is an attempt to say that they are well paid for their efforts. This isn't about class-envy because their salaries aren't something to be envied. Let's not treat them like poor developers struggling out of college to make ends meet, ok? They are highly paid and highly trained professionals.

Give a programmer from India, Korea or the Phillipines 1/4th their salary and watch them do a job 10 times better. American coders who complain about how tough the job is deserve no sympathy. Sure, we'll hear them out when the going gets tough and pat them on the back for a job well done, but you take it too far Dane.