sorry about how my last thread turned into a screaming match.i was only sugesting that a few more things colud happen. you gotta admit, the game is getting quite repetetive with the quests like" no one has survived this"," go into that dongeon over there", "go kill a bunch of kobolds", blah, blah, blah. and some of the things other ppl sugested like longer walkes to get to quests and things like that were realy good ideas, and turbing should at least consider them.the game needs these ideas, because less ppl are playing this( turbine will probably listen NOW) and less ppl want to go into partys because the quests are BORING! either get better ideas, and less repetetive kobold filled dungeons, or no one will want to play any more, and would rather play runescape.i think mounts would realy only be good if you had to go realy far out into mountains, oceans, and everything in the backgrounds that u cant go 2. u saw the last thread! the ppl in it who didnt insult the others had some excelent ideas, and turbine is in need of them!