Smodge, your Build is fine... Most Pure Fighters would be around 191 hit points at Level 10 (10x10 levels + 20 HD + 40 Con (18 Con) + 11 Toughness + 20 Toughness Enhancement), so the guy was being a jerk.
As for the build, I would probably take IC @ L9, and the Dragonmark @ 12, but that is just me.
Additionally, I would look over the Enhancements a little more... I would personally Drop BoG 3 in a heartbeat in order to get Paladin Toughness 4 (20 HP > 1 AC, IMHO). Also, unless you are using your SP for Healing, I don't think the Paladin Devotion is worth it (NOTE: I don't personally know if Paladin Devotion affects your Dragonmark Heals... if they do, then 1-2 levels of Devotion might be good, if not, drop it and wand-whip/dragonmark).