<front> Rogues
(3 medium pics)
rogue in sneak gathering soul stones / rogue casting rez from scroll / rogue disarming a trap
<back>saving groups from party wipes since May06
<front> Rogues
(3 medium pics)
rogue in sneak gathering soul stones / rogue casting rez from scroll / rogue disarming a trap
<back>saving groups from party wipes since May06
make sure it is written upside down for dwarfs and warforged only " If u can read this flip me over and put a Ale by me"
" I was bought at a pawn shop but im already broken in"
" I took the transporter to Uber land don't you wanna ride it"
" you should try enchanted energy tonic"
" Did you get greased yet"
"i leak you"
" my docent hole is only stuffed with my thoughts of you"
" You look like you need something... Take 2 of these and call me in the morning"
" Im so leet i have 30 bloodstones I looted um from just 2 chests"
"DNDOBI it means Dungeon and dragons offical bikini inspector"
"Omg check it out its r2d2 over there .. oh he got hit by a warforge oh well"
for Wf wizards only" im a chick magnet i make myself magnitized"
" all those other Wf use lubricate i use un lubricated
Last edited by xope; 11-30-2007 at 08:35 PM.
I just wobble around and hopefully do something right.
"You fingered what?!"
(For fighter) "Hey Mr. Wizard, can I have some crack?"
(For all the evil cultists and priests) "LFM"
<front> "Infestation?"
<back> "Call a Stormreach adventurer!
Cleaning sewers since May '06"
"Murphy was a Dungeon Master"
"No! Don't pull that...click... RAAHR!!!"
"Please stop rezzing me in the lava"
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but vorpal blades behead me."
"The loot stank, but at least we died a lot"
"I'm only half halfling...does that make me a three quarterling?"
"I have a Wand of Wonder and I'm NOT afraid to use it."
"Will someone get this gnoll off my leg?"
"Kobolds...breakfast of champions"
"...well maybe you shouldn't have named your cleric Cantheal Forshucks."
"Dwarves delve deeper"
Instructions etched on greataxe, "swing right, swing left, repeat".
"Bards ... the original Guitar Heroes"
Last edited by Amalthius Di Veluna; 12-01-2007 at 05:36 PM.
things i actually said over my mic in-game as ideas for this thread lol...
"Official Chest Inspector" (picture of a chest and some sort of attractive female character sitting on it)
"Thank God For Clerics!" (Red Cross Symbol)
i might actually make some of these (meaning some of your ideas as well) with permission of course but i like all these ideas i see and i know you hardcore fans would wear em![]()
"yeah our servers are down... SO WHAT! one more complaint and we blow the servers up and you can all play WOW"
Former Leader of DamagedInc:
Token ****** of DamagedInc
Shop smart, Shop Qwijy Mart!
Welcome to M.A.C., Please check your XP at the door.(picture of a party wipe at the Titan on the back)
Last edited by woodspider; 12-03-2007 at 09:55 AM.
M.A.C. The only way to go!
In honor of General Dane McArdy:
"When the DDO severs merged the Sarlonians called us Adarians refugees, thruth is we Invaded!"
<front>"how many gm's does it take to screw in a light bulb?"<back>"GM's don't do light bulbs, or any other common problem" lol Just a joke don't ban me! :P
Proud Member Of The A Team
Danvolth: rogue 8/ rnger 1/ Bard 4
Hughgo: Cleric 14 Danvoth: rogue 10/ Fighter 2/ Rnger 2
Imur: Fighter 6 Rammer: pally 5 Forgone: Fighter 5/ rogue 3/ Barb 1
"I'm killin' kobolds ya daft wench! What does it look like I'm doin'?
This shirt is made from real WOW toon hides.
Be excellent to each other and PARTY ON DUDES!!!!!
DDO Widow :-(
DDO Widow Maker :-)
Wizards have BIG Wands and Burning Hands!
Kiss My Axe!
Kiss My Magic Wand!
Kiss my Dwarf!
Calling me a Grumpy Dwarf doesn't make me Happy!
Fantasy Worlds are filled with Sexy Women!
Real Life Ogre but DDO Sexy Elf.
I break boxes and peek in chests!
Addicted to C.R.A.C.K.(front)
Google Celebrity Dungeons & Dragons Acquisitions Inc, podcast and youtube videos ,you wont regret it
DDO: The only place you can inbed an great axe in someones head and not get sent to jail
DDO: *Arrow pointing down* Wanna See my wand, its +8 =) and its allllllllll natural
DDO: These chests look too easy to unlock =D
DDO: Roll D20, now take 3 spaces back, roll 2 d20's, now step back 3 spaces to the left, you are now an idiot =D
DDO: Docents arent the best protection, they are the only protection = D
DDO: The only place you can have a redneck cleric, a barbarian welshman and a canadian paladin
DDO: Dont worry baby, ive greased it up =D
DDO: *picture of barbarians greataxe imbeded in dragon's skull* Now tell me do you really wanna **** with me
DDO: The only game out there with halflings yet no "master frodo"
DDO: The only place you can do and sleep in lava and not disintergrate
DDO: Where even dwarves get some =D
DDO: Who needs sex when you have DDO candy canes?
DDO: Live by the sword, die by the sword, resurrect in a bar and do it alllll over again
Last edited by Chronidus; 12-04-2007 at 06:17 AM. Reason: adding stuff
The true mark of a great roleplayer is not to make others believe but to make ones self believe in the character you play
Don't know if anyone has done this one yet but
"I rolled a 1 on my reality check."
black T-shirt:
DDO Stormreach
(pic of dwarf laying on back and other toons /laughing )
(in big white block letters)
Got Grease?
girl's Tshirt
"You have ransacked this chest too often"
Dungeons and Dragons Online: Stormreach
(DDO logo)
Last edited by Borrigain; 12-05-2007 at 02:28 PM. Reason: Another
Ghallanda - The a team
Borrigain Gnollslayer : Lorraidyn Terrakaen : Philonius Purge
"Never argue with an idiot; they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." ~ Anonymous
Dunno if anyone's played with it, but you can design your own "special text" on shirts at Zazzle.
Here's one my wife did after I showed her this thread:
She also did another one on that site in response to a 3 hour PUG'ed Titan run that started just before bed time...![]()
Casual DDOaholic