All your ham are belong to Kargon.
Go Elite or Go Home
+1 Greatclub of Greater Penetration (RR:Human, ML18)
And that is all I have this early.
All your ham are belong to Kargon.
Go Elite or Go Home
+1 Greatclub of Greater Penetration (RR:Human, ML18)
And that is all I have this early.
Member of Clan of the WolfYou can find me on the server as:
Chiotic - 16 Drow Fighter
<Picture of Velah spitting an epic Fireball>
Caption: "Ignorant children!"
(this one i stole from phinius =p) --> "DDO: Dungeons, Dragons, and Oozes"
"What happens in Threnal, Stays in Threnal"
"DDO Mobs: Exceeding the rules of the game one at a time"
Front: "You attempt to save versus Beholder's Finger of Death"
Back: "You roll a 1: Save Failure!"
"You were killed by something."
<Cleric Icon centered on front>
Dialogue boxes popping all around icon: "Can I have DVs? Can I have DVs? Can I have DVs? Can I have DVs?"
Dragon: 100x
Titan: 75x
Demon Queen: 50x
Stormreaver: 250x
Abbot: Yeah Right!
"Man I really don't feel like pulling those hard rods from the chest..."
<Chinese Flag>: You buy? You buy?
<Indonesian Flag>: 1,000,000 pp!
<Malaysian Flag>: No? Ok, I do deal: 500k pp!
+5 Mithral FP: 20,000,000 gp @ AH
+5 Mithral Tower Shield: 8,000,000 gp @ AH
Protection +5 Ring: 10,000,000 gp @ AH
Chaosgarde: 3,000,000 gp @ AH
Chattering Ring: 40 Titan Runs
55 AC: Priceless
There are only so many things your broke a$$ can buy, for everything else there's <you know that website!>
<Batman Symbol>
"Ftr 10/Pal 2/Rog 2"
"You aren't a playa' until you join the 1750 club"
Front: DDO logo on upper left
Back: "Str ___
Dex ___
Con ___
Int ___
Wis ___
Cha ___"
(((boxes where you can fill in your own numbers with a marker =D)))
anyways, i might come up with more later!
I am a Trapfinder.
If you see me running,
try to keep up.
Wheres the Halfling?
Look under the Warforged!
Yes, I am an Irish R and B singer!
Have you heard of that really good WF cleric? Back: Ya me either.
Roll a d100 to see who gets healed first.
I survived Berryman's Cleric raid.
Healing? Whats that? Back: Battle Cleric.
30 8 24 8 20 6, Thats right Battle Cleric.
I lived through the downtime of 11-26-07.
10 28 22 10 30 8, Thats right Evasion Cleric sucka.
I burned through 43 Heal scrolls for this end reward!?
Free Chicken and Beer. Back: Talk to Berryman
214 Pit runs and still no Muckdoom!
I played for 8 hours to die like that!?
Young, Dumb, and full of faith.
Ever hear of the cleric that tried to solo the Vampire at lvl 10?? Back: Yeah, Berryman is dumb.
Psst. Push the Dwarf in the trap and I'll split 1/2 the booty with you.
Yeah Rogues like it from behind.
(combat): You roll to save verse Life. You roll a 1 Save Failure.
Why is this scorpion following me around like a puppy?
DDO: Where they say, "Why travel when you can kill yourself and get their faster."
No, bring ME the head of Ghola Fan!
DDO: What is so great about the real world?
I fear not dragons, or trolls, or giants!
I fear not vampires, or wraiths, or mummies!
I fear not golems, or mephits, or ogres!
But I fear small blobs of ooze.
"No good! The door is still stuck!"
Bogenbroom's legion... 102 characters, 3 accounts, and 1 irate wife.
Back of Shirt: If you can read this my armor got eaten by a rust monster!
First of all thanks to everyone who contributed to this thread for making it Thread of the Week.
In good news, Jerry and the crew from DDOCast have volunteered to decide on the best DDO T-Shirts in their Top 10 segment so be sure to listen in to DDOCast to hear which ones they think are worthy Top 10 Tee's. I'd say there is still at least a day or two before they start to sort through em so keep posting...
You can find the excellent weekly podcast at
Just some dude...
I'm with
"It's better to loot then die then never loot at all."
"Wife aggro....gimme an anniversary dinner and ill be back."
Nobody knows the pain i've seen, except the other guy
For a Wizard / Sorcerer:
"Have DV's?"
For a good drinker:
"After all that Ghallanda Distilade give me a Greater Restoration tomorrow."
For a Tank:
"My other weapon is also a vorpal"
And for last, but not least, the slogan of the week:
My vote is still for "FREE ARLOS!"
Along with a nice picture of a Kobold.![]()
<|| “Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch’entrate.” ||>
AEsahaettr | AlfredSartan | Botharel | PeterMurphy | Weesham etc.
front: (picture of a warforged party running screaming)
back: (picture of a rust monster laughing)
"You have slain many kobolds"
Originally Posted by The unavoidable laws of the natural universe
Originally Posted by Plato
wow i read all 7 pages of that. a lot were really lame as actual tshirt slogans, but a lot were really funny too. a few would make great shirtsthis is my vote for top 10 11.
"Free Arlos!!!"
"can i have your stuff?"
"haste means go"
"I'm AFK"
"Otto's Irresistible Pants"
"How many wars could a warforged forge if a warforge could forge wars?"
"Festivus 2006"
"Can't see the kobold?"
"Then you may be seconds away from death!"
"EEK, Killer kobolds run for your life!"
"Thats not a Sword thats a butter knife!"
"Mistakes are normal on the way to greatness".
Pronto Surefoot,
Proud Member of THAC0
Had a few real quotes from my guild mates that would make this list IMO onlycan agree or disagree:
"I only fail a save against him if i roll a 1" (which is immediately followed by a @%*# I rolled a 1. )
"Where is the entrance to that again"
"We just did this on Elite without a cleric, we can do it in 20 minutes"
"So who knows what to do for this quest?"
"I think we pull this lever"
"I only fail trap rolls on a 1" (BOOM!!)
"Did anyone pick up the (insert important piece of any quest here)"
"OH @#*% I forgot to stock up on spell components"
"Which house is that in again?"
I'll try and remember more later if these dont get flamed too badly![]()