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Thread: Clerics United

  1. #1
    Founder Luthen's Avatar
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    Default Clerics United

    So I recently read a couple threads calling out "All Clerics" on their healing ability... or lack there of. I would like very much to put some of these ignorant fools in their place. If you know some of these posters or know others like them then I suggest you remind them that if "All Clerics" are so bad then they shouldn't need any support from us. No buffs. No heals. NO RESURECTION!!

    I am tired of listenting to some of these people whine and moan about clerics. Many of whom don't even play a cleric themselves so have no real idea what it's like to do what most of us do as a cleric. If they're so great and can do it all without a cleric then let them. Focus on those who expect nothing more from us then for us to be ourselves.
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  2. #2
    Community Member death_smurf's Avatar
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    Default sdff

    The way i veiw groups, is i have a problem with any player character that doesnt add to the group in some way. Whether its the traditional role their character plays or how they prefer to run them, then i have no issue whatso ever with their character. for instance in the cleric class, it is capable of melee, healing, offensive casting, and defensive casting(cc). as long as the cleric fills one of these roles ADEQUATELY then they are a productive member of the group and someone i am happy to run with. Its when people attempt to perform all the roles at the same time i beleive some people run into a problem. A less experienced cleric has a difficult time focusing on all the skills and abilities a cleric has and i beleive overall his/her contribution to the group suffers. This goes for any class though. A 12 con 13 str rogue trying to play main tank doesnt work out quite so well either. However i have seen umd rogues back up clerics incredibly well in the heals department. utimately if your playstyle, build, or attitude keeps you from significantly adding to the group; i beleive you should probobly be soloing quests rather than running in groups where people depend on you for the success of the quest.
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  3. #3
    Community Member kingzero's Avatar
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    The first character I ever rolled for DDO was a Cleric.

    He is now level capped and only comes out to play for my Guild.

    It's simple as that. It is frustrating playing a cleric in a PUG. Sure you will run into the occasional PUG that thanks you for your heals, buffs, saving their behinds, etc. Rarely (that I have seen) you get an offer from someone in your PUG to help out with wands, scrolls, plat, etc.

    This is what I have learned.

    Your second cleric is always more fun to play.
    Playing a tank to level cap makes you a better cleric.
    Playing a cleric to level cap makes you a better tank.

    Now that I am a seasoned DDO vet, I make sure to carry around my own potions to make myself self-sufficient if need be. I still appreciate the buffs and heals...but I dont think a Cleric should only sit back and watch health bars. I make sure I help out the Cleric that want help, be it plat...scrolls, etc. I know how it is to be a broke cleric...I've been there numerous times.

    Just the other day I brought out my Cleric for some PoP til I **** myself and was asked to leave the quest for mana. All the knew was that I was level 14...they didn't know I was level capped.

    Why can't the tanks leave the quest for more HP?

    I'm capped and I don't mind leave the quest for all. If you don't know I'm capped though, how and why would you ask a cleric to do that? Learn to shield block my's the shift key.

    /end rant
    Flying Solo for the first time since Jan '07
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  4. #4


    I have a cleric,but haven't played him much lately. More expectation for me to be a good little healbot than I have patience for more than a bit here and there. BTW cudos to Imp(Quietstorm) for telling all his guildies I wasn't a cleric when I joined their dragon raid as the only cleric. Fortunately for them, the 12th spot filled with a healbot.
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