I can't make this a formal poll, don't have the moderator privledges to do so :-(.
Anyway, how tough do you think the game's highest level quests (leave out raids here, that's a different ballgame) should be to complete on elite? Do you want more easy quests like Prison of the Planes elite, Trial by Fire elite and pre-changes Desecrated Temple of Vol? More medium stuff like elite Crucible, elite A Relic of a Sovereign Past or elite A Cry for Help? Or more truly tough quests, like elite Madstone Crater, elite Inferno of the Damned, elite Against the Demon Queen and elite Offering of Blood?
Myself, I think the highest level quests should be relatively easy for a level-appropriate party to complete on normal, should be a moderate challenge on hard (i.e. a fair chance of failure or having to recall for SP) and on elite, I'd like to see quests that are truly tough. I think it's a bit of a shame that IMO none of the level 14 quests are as tough as Against the Demon Queen (the preraid).