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Thread: Need a Rapier

  1. #1
    Community Member DrMole0's Avatar
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    Nov 2007

    Default Need a Rapier

    Level 5-6 No more than 6
    +1 or +2 elemental burst, prefer shock, ice, or fire
    maybe a nice effect like 'of deception' would be nice
    no rr or rr elf

    i've only been playing for 5 days now, so plz be reasonable on the price, i cant afford much and i certainly cant afford the 1m price ranges that people are asking for on auctions (i dunno why they ask that much anyway..)

    you can pm me ingame or post here :P

  2. #2
    Founder Solmage's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Well, it depends how high-end a weapon is, but usually the very unreasonably-high listings in the AH are plat-farmers and you should just ignore those listings.

    Also, it isn't that easy to find good low-level weapons because everyone hoardes them in case they roll alts. So while a bursting rapier of something useless thats level 10ish is common-ish, the same with a min level 6 of something useful is a lot harder, and expensive, to find. All the low level characters you see with such weapons are alt characters of people who have been playing for a really long time, likely using gear that took them 6 months or a year to find, not 5 days.

    You may need to lower your sights a bit unless someone decides to be particularly nice. (I'm afraid I don't have any low level bursting rapiers myself)
    Devs: Thanks for making Druids available to VIPs without the pack. This more than anything, has made me want to buy the pack.

  3. #3
    Community Member liamfrancais's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    I will check and see what I have, is your forum name also your in game name and also what is your alignment?
    Liamfrancais- Human Pally 16 (Mythical), Balto-Drow Sorc 16 (Mythical), Baltaz-Drow Rgr 16 (Forgotten Legion), Adarforged-WF Barb 16 (Mythical), Bringit-Dwarf FTR/barb 12/4 (Just Me), Zudomon-Elf wiz 15 (Twisted Fate), Rudadonna-H clr 16 (Mythical)

  4. #4
    Community Member DrMole0's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    ty for the info solmage, and i forgot o post:

    my ingame name is Simmestrel Alura/neutral align

  5. #5
    Community Member Rozz_Of_Sloot's Avatar
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    Oct 2006

    Default did u get u rapier?

    i have plenty of extras u r more than welcome to have them if u would like

  6. #6
    Community Member Mr._Dna's Avatar
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    Jun 2006


    I remember when I first started playing... there was no auction house and you couldn't even FIND decent weapons on the House D broker. People would camp them and buy anything decent that was sold. So even if you DID have the $$ to spend, it was **** near impossible to get, say, a holy weapon at level 4 or 6. I know this sounds like one of those "I walked five miles uphill in the snow to school every day" stories, but new players should realize how much more saturated the game is with useful weapons. They used to be a lot tougher to get.

    Lufeng - 15/2 Paladin/Fighter, Dryo - 17 Sorcerer, Rami - 17 Cleric, Purgatorius - 13/2/1 Rogue/Ranger/Fighter, Barbee - 11 Fighter
    Legends of Aerenal on Sarlona

  7. #7
    Community Member GHOSTRYDER's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Dna View Post
    I remember when I first started playing... there was no auction house and you couldn't even FIND decent weapons on the House D broker. People would camp them and buy anything decent that was sold. So even if you DID have the $$ to spend, it was **** near impossible to get, say, a holy weapon at level 4 or 6. I know this sounds like one of those "I walked five miles uphill in the snow to school every day" stories, but new players should realize how much more saturated the game is with useful weapons. They used to be a lot tougher to get.
    both ways?

  8. #8
    Community Member slammedcivic2007's Avatar
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    Feb 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Dna View Post
    I remember when I first started playing... there was no auction house and you couldn't even FIND decent weapons on the House D broker. People would camp them and buy anything decent that was sold. So even if you DID have the $$ to spend, it was **** near impossible to get, say, a holy weapon at level 4 or 6. I know this sounds like one of those "I walked five miles uphill in the snow to school every day" stories, but new players should realize how much more saturated the game is with useful weapons. They used to be a lot tougher to get.
    I remember those days. Pain in the but to get anything nice

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