As Im sure many may have been rumoring around the past week, there have been several changes to the Legion of Cold Children. Firstly, our guild leader Redsiberiss and his wife Lyllith have split for their own personal reasons, and Red will no longer be playing the game. As such, leadership has come to me, Frzblaster, his sucessor. Secondly it has come up that our guild name was in a naming violation, as Cold Children refers to a term used by sex offenders of minors to children who have refused them. And since we do not support that kind of image, we have changed our name to the Sovereign Blades. Other than that, we are still the same guild, and perhaps the largest active on the server to date. We hope this will quell peoples concerns theyve had for us, and we thank those who waited patiently for answers while we settled the dust down.