Emm... anyone have a 3.x draconomicon around to look stuff up?
I remember for a fact that in 2nd ed, dragon parts lost their magical properties very fast after the beast was killed. This could be the reason why its hardness is just standard clothing. Dragon steak was just that, steak. Granted it also stated that the DM could make the different beasts have different flavors for how they were. Reds were spicy, black you just didn't want to touch due to the swap taste, white was like chicken, and gold was the finest venison.
There are no such rules in 3.5, you can use the Dragonhide in the SRD as an example:
Nothing about reduced stats over time.Dragonhide
Armorsmiths can work with the hides of dragons to produce armor or shields of masterwork quality. One dragon produces enough hide for a single suit of masterwork hide armor for a creature one size category smaller than the dragon. By selecting only choice scales and bits of hide, an armorsmith can produce one suit of masterwork banded mail for a creature two sizes smaller, one suit of masterwork half-plate for a creature three sizes smaller, or one masterwork breastplate or suit of full plate for a creature four sizes smaller. In each case, enough hide is available to produce a small or large masterwork shield in addition to the armor, provided that the dragon is Large or larger.
Because dragonhide armor isn’t made of metal, druids can wear it without penalty.
Dragonhide armor costs double what masterwork armor of that type ordinarily costs, but it takes no longer to make than ordinary armor of that type.
Dragonhide has 10 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 10.
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Additionally, the item details (for example, Blue) on these armors/robes state that the armors are "forged from the scales of the Blue Dragon, Yorgulhar", and that the robe is "a finely crafted silk robe that includes many scales from the Blue Dragon, Yorgulhar".
So....what does any of that really mean??!!?....hehe.
I would think that the robes should certainly be tougher than what they currently are, regardless of this description of "silk", seeing how it still "includes many scales"....but maybe that's where they (devs) get their reasoning.
Honestly though, it is supposed to be a pretty high-end item, regardless if you think it's useful to you or not, so it would be nice if they were more durable/sturdy/hardy/tough/etc. In general terms, it's not the easiest thing to aquire. You either ran alot of pre-raids and got lucky, have very giving and unselfish friends/guildies, paid alot for the scales on the AH, or traded to gather them....either way it should be rewarded with a little "tougher" of an item, IMO.
It's really just a reason for folks to have to farm, farm, farm.
Looking at some more robes, it looks like they just followed the normal progression for durability/hardness for robes, based on min level. Look at a bunch of them and you'll see that, besides certain other "special" robes (Sewer Smock is hardness of glasshttp://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s...SewerSmock.jpg, etc), they all seem to pretty much follow the same incremental changes based on ML.
The "Shroud of the Abbot" (Abbot raid loot) is 85/10...presumably due to ML14, too.
The really bummer is "Lawrence's Robe of Trivial Knowledge" (special event - trivia contest?) which is only a haggle+3 robe, but it must look "special". It's stats are dura:105, hardness:12. Compare that to the precious Dragonscale robes of 85/10....ugh.
Another fun one to check out: Robe of Resistance (+1)...no ML....5/2....OMG!
Last edited by yoyorobbo; 11-20-2007 at 02:02 PM.
(Combat): You hit Drow Necromancer with Fear.
Well I also have a hard time understanding how a robe with an armor bonus on it (ie. White Dragonscale Robe) is more easily damaged. I know there can be an argument one way or another but it still makes little sense.
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