Now, we've all seen or at least heard of when they spawn creatures in various "public" instances (delera's, Orchard come to mind).
Here's what I'd like to see: On one night a week (Friday comes to mind) spawn a really high HD/HP creature (maybe a Dragon?) in a random location. So what, You say? Well, here's the good part: Whoever actually Kills the creature (that is to say, whoever gets the final deathblow) will get some kind of neat reward. Now, If this was ThrasherGT's world, it would be something really nice like a semi-uber weapon or item. I mean, if this was only once a week, and the reward was only to one player a week, it certainly wouldn't unbalance the game in any way, and it would be very cool as a "bragging rights" thing. Alternately, the reward could just be something
more mundane like 100 cure serious pots or even 1000 to 10000 plat, or whatever. Also, it would be cool if a "world broadcast" tell could be sent to let everyone know who killed the creature (bragging rights again).
Like I said, Just a Thought............Opinions?
Peace and Chicken Grease
P.S. If this was brought up by someone else at an earlier time, I never saw the post and I apologize for plagurizing(Spell-check, anyone?) their post.