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  1. #1
    Community Member ThrasherGT's Avatar
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    Question Just a Thought.............

    Now, we've all seen or at least heard of when they spawn creatures in various "public" instances (delera's, Orchard come to mind).
    Here's what I'd like to see: On one night a week (Friday comes to mind) spawn a really high HD/HP creature (maybe a Dragon?) in a random location. So what, You say? Well, here's the good part: Whoever actually Kills the creature (that is to say, whoever gets the final deathblow) will get some kind of neat reward. Now, If this was ThrasherGT's world, it would be something really nice like a semi-uber weapon or item. I mean, if this was only once a week, and the reward was only to one player a week, it certainly wouldn't unbalance the game in any way, and it would be very cool as a "bragging rights" thing. Alternately, the reward could just be something
    more mundane like 100 cure serious pots or even 1000 to 10000 plat, or whatever. Also, it would be cool if a "world broadcast" tell could be sent to let everyone know who killed the creature (bragging rights again).

    Like I said, Just a Thought............Opinions?

    Peace and Chicken Grease

    P.S. If this was brought up by someone else at an earlier time, I never saw the post and I apologize for plagurizing(Spell-check, anyone?) their post.
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  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Fun idea, but one thing we don't realy need is new players coming into the game only to be owned by a dragon running unchecked through the harbor, market, or even delera's graveyard. We need to keep new players, not drive them off in frustartion

  3. #3
    Community Member Evillot's Avatar
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    I approve of this Idea. Ive heard tales of valah Flying above stormreach but never seen here whit my own eyes. It would be sweet to see a huge dragon of a random large size start to pillage the market place once a week until its slain. But I don't want this dragon to sit there like valah or be linked to a giant like the tor dragons. I want it to fly around and breath weapon and sometimes land on people and fight for a bit. Maybe pick people up and throw them. Also make it so it leaves anyone below lvl 8 alone as he sees them to be puny and not worth his time. I also want this beast to have a ton of endurance so he would be a long challenge for like 50 players at once. Cus I want it to be pillaging for a good hour or so maybe more.Plus I think with a whole town of ddo players its not gonna last long... No raidboss really can with 12 ppl on it other then the stormreaver or abbot.

    Also maybe a lot more then once a week and more then dragons. Like a army of 400 orcs,goblins and ogres plow into house p and the last one to die spawns a chest for the party that slain him.

    Such Ideas would make the game funner and give it a element that most mmos don't have.

    Just random Ideas to support the original mobs in town Idea.


  4. #4
    Community Member GlassCannon's Avatar
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    Default Town Raids

    You mean raids on the city itself, proving these quests aren't just silly adventures going out killing monsters supposedly running amok in Stormreach, while in fact the monsters are simply standing in place for weeks at a time being completely docile until a wayward halfling stumbles carelessly into the area.

    City Raids are an idea I wanted to propose that require a lot of coding. A Titan Attack would be nice, but a bit overwhelming. A Dragon Raid(dragons dropping from the sky every 5 minutes or so all over stormreach) would be even cooler, and if the town was losing ground some of the Twelve would actually come out and begin using extremely overpowered versions of current spells, or new spells we have never seen before... to balance things a bit.

    This is D&D after all... to a point. The SRD is outdated.

  5. #5
    Community Member captain1z's Avatar
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    how about instead of 1 uber item for 1 person who gets the last hit

    make these spawns outlaws/ wanted by the coin lords killing them gets you

    Bounty hunter points that can be turned in to the coin lords for.........

    semi-uber loot +X weapon of __________
    major mnuemonic pots
    +5 thieves tools

    something like the desert tokens ......but not as ridiculus (meaning I wont have to turn in 2000 to get a potion of cure moderate)
    give every item a reasonable cost and as the cost scales so does the item...with maybe 5 truly uber that you can only take 1 of
    much how the tapesty things are done (might I say the tapesty system is well done....attainable and worth the effort, yet you
    can only have 1...maintaining the balance) *I took the helm that gives you +4 wisdom and +4 reflex and switched out my
    +4 wisdom helm and took off my trapblaster goggles...finally*

  6. #6
    Community Member Pfamily's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Tenlanni View Post
    Fun idea, but one thing we don't realy need is new players coming into the game only to be owned by a dragon running unchecked through the harbor, market, or even delera's graveyard. We need to keep new players, not drive them off in frustartion
    I like this idea!

    How 'bout it doesn't attack you unless you attack it? That would allow anyone to watch w/o getting burned.

    Is that possible?
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  7. #7
    Community Member Dane_McArdy's Avatar
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    It sounds like a very fun idea. Until it actually happens. I'm totally being a Debbie Downer about this, I admit.

    But issues that will arise.

    1. People that can't make it will complain about being cheated out of content. So unless they could do this enough times per server, that's going to be an issue.

    2. What if several people attack this monster. Does the person who does the killing blow win? Which means someone could just wait till the last moment and start swinging hoping they get lucky. If it's based on damage, then some classes would always win being able to do massive amounts of damage.

    3. The lag would be horrible.

    4. It would need to happen on many different CR levels, to give everyone a chance to win. How do you stop a level 14 from participating in something meant for level 5s?

    5. People that could, would monoplize this if the reward was too good.

    6. Once that happens, people will really start complaining that it's not fair that powergamers who have farmed all the good loot in the game show up and kill the mob in 5 seconds.

  8. #8
    Community Member GrayOldDruid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by captain1z View Post
    something like the desert tokens ......but not as ridiculus (meaning I wont have to turn in 2000 to get a potion of cure moderate)
    give every item a reasonable cost and as the cost scales so does the item...with maybe 5 truly uber that you can only take 1 of
    much how the tapesty things are done (might I say the tapesty system is well done....attainable and worth the effort, yet you
    can only have 1...maintaining the balance) *I took the helm that gives you +4 wisdom and +4 reflex and switched out my
    +4 wisdom helm and took off my trapblaster goggles...finally*
    Excellent idea.... both the random looting monster encounters in town and the tokens thing...

    That would be awesome!!
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  9. #9
    Community Member MondoGrunday's Avatar
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    great idea,
    keep for high end lvls, the lowbie's have to work on lvling anyway. make a random encounter enter stormreach once a week at random times. anyone who deals damage to the beast/s gets to roll on possible end loot. the sense of this being a permanent world would seem much more realistic. Doac had this with raids for pvp where people were 'called to arms' for battles. it was awesome. DDO needs something like this.
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  10. #10
    Founder Aesop's Avatar
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    A City Raid idea works. Have the Mobs in different parts of the town spawn based on relative power level of the quests in the area. ie cr 2-5 in the Harbor 4-7 in the Market Place etc. Have the Mobs drop Collectables with the higher level mobs having a higher probablility of dropping top tier collectables.

    these collectables would allow you to get some decent toys... sorta like Festivus items. Not saying a vorpal or something like that but some good pots and maybe some rare items mixed in too.

    Mnemonic Enhancers
    Heal Moderate Clickies
    maybe a weapon or 12 based on what types of Mobs are spawned.
    stuff like that

    This way everybody has a chance at something and it isn't spawn camping and trying to get the last shot in... which is always a turn off for me.

    A real special even might be a dragon raid while more common would be a giant raid or drow raid or goblinoid raid... stuff like that.

    if a high leveler beats up a lowbie mob it won't spawn a collectable I'd say

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  11. #11
    Community Member paul1devries's Avatar
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    This is a great idea!! I think in general there are alot of people getting real bored with the game, and even when new content gets introduced it really only pops for a few weeks and then interest goes down again.

    This seems like with a few tweaks you could have an area that some uber monsters or massive gorups of monsters could spawn and wreak havoc. Anyone in that area couls participate in the battle and if you do (even if it is just to watch while in area at risk of being killed, you could get some tokens (always the same amount per person or, if you attack/get attacked or something it would give you a bonus). The awards should be pretty minor but could be used as a bit of bragging tool.

    Whats more important, is that regardless of getting really cool stuff, it would make that weekly event something that ALOT of people would plan their week around.

    They shouold make it so that the battles are almost unbeatable so that you are gonna die many horrible deaths if you go in the area, but that with alot of plannng and work and sweat it could be won. It could be timed to last for one hour, after which they disappear and you have to wait till next week to try again. They should keep event the same until it is beaten so people could plan during week after getting thrashed and forum posts could aggregate ideas, etc.

    Once it is beaten...introduce the next one!

    Man i would love this - the game is too easy right now and getting really boring...

    I don't think it needs that much coding, just release the MOBs in area and let er rip!

  12. #12


    Having the person who got the kill be the only one to get something will just promote kill stealing, like you see in games like WOW and Everquest, and we do not need that here.
    The problem with a raid on Stormreach is that casters cannot use all their spells in public areas, which is why you have seen the emerald claw battles relegated to taverns and instances of outdoor areas.
    The solution to this would be a special public area that could be an outdoor gate area to stormreach, it would be instanced like other public areas, and thus would allow many more users. But it would allow all spells to be used. Have it run on a schedule and be a scripted encounter. once the raid is 80% complete lock the instance out to new players, and when finished everyone gets bounty hunters tokens and a chest or something. Have the script have 4 or 5 different sets of monsters etc, so that it gets changed up every now and then, and each has its own unique boss.

    It would be really nice if with each update they add more scripted mob sets so that the randomness grows.

    To make this an easier endevour for Turbine I propose the following solution, use the existing outdoor areas already created
    • Cerulean Hills levels 1-4
    • Searing Heights levels5-9
    • House K level 10-13
    • Orchard levels 14-16

    Create an extra "Invasion NPC" at the entrance to each, and have a schedule. I would say every 2 hours. At every schedule have the NPC anounce the invasion is imminent just before, and let the instances fill up. Iwould say have a limit on number per instance maybe 30, and limit number of instances. Make it a timed event, you must kill all the mobs and the end boss in 30 minutes or failure. Make the reward an end reward only with a token and chest items.
    Fallen former minion of the Gelatinous Cube
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  13. #13
    Community Member ThrasherGT's Avatar
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    Arrow In reply to all who have helped with this......

    I'd like to say thank You all. However, I think that My original Ideas are valid for a few reasons which I will explain here:

    1. The reason I wanted this to be only once a week was so there wouldn't be a huge disruption in normal activities, or a
    huge lag issue server-wide.

    2. Random spawn locations assure that nobody could "camp" at a specific area to try to monopolize these encounters.

    3. I don't think the devs will want to come up with an entirely new reward system for this endeavour, Hence My suggestion
    That only the killing blow receive any reward. Now, I understand that this is a "just luck" system, but any other method would
    require too much work for the devs to implement easily.

    4. Only one reward, once per week, equals 52 rewards per year (entirely managable and not unbalancing)

    I think the main point here is to keep this as simple as possibleso that the devs have to do as close to zero work to get
    get this going. Heck, it'll probably never happen anyway, but I thought that this would be a cool addition to the game without
    much work for the devs to get it up and running.

    Again, thx for all the input that everyone contributed.

    Peace and Chicken Grease
    Mmmmmmmmm.......Doughnuts! - Homer Simpson

  14. #14


    Hmmm...they should let players who already have an evil alignment do the attacks on the city, and even let them kill off NPCs. And the NPCs don't respawn until until you've found and killed off all the evil players in the group attacking Stormreach.
    Last edited by Ghoste; 11-19-2007 at 12:28 PM.
    My Videos Shadow Mage (ok, it's a build now)
    A forum post should be like a skirt - long enough to cover the subject material, but short enough to keep things interesting.
    Britches and Hose kidnapped my dog and are forcing him to farm Shroud ingredients.

  15. #15

    Default No reward

    Actually, no reward would work fine for me...

    And yes, if I am new to the game and suddenly there is a dragon in front of me OMG... RUNS SCREAMING *ding* dead

    I would want to stick around and see it die... and then figure out how I can get good enough to kill it

    The reason the random spawns work in taverns is there really aren't any big rewards, all levels can come and it is just fun... spend 5 minutes or none... its all up to you...

    Fun Idea I like it

    See ya in Stormreach,

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by ThrasherGT View Post
    I'd like to say thank You all. However, I think that My original Ideas are valid for a few reasons which I will explain here:

    1. The reason I wanted this to be only once a week was so there wouldn't be a huge disruption in normal activities, or a
    huge lag issue server-wide.

    2. Random spawn locations assure that nobody could "camp" at a specific area to try to monopolize these encounters.

    3. I don't think the devs will want to come up with an entirely new reward system for this endeavour, Hence My suggestion
    That only the killing blow receive any reward. Now, I understand that this is a "just luck" system, but any other method would
    require too much work for the devs to implement easily.

    4. Only one reward, once per week, equals 52 rewards per year (entirely managable and not unbalancing)

    I think the main point here is to keep this as simple as possibleso that the devs have to do as close to zero work to get
    get this going. Heck, it'll probably never happen anyway, but I thought that this would be a cool addition to the game without
    much work for the devs to get it up and running.

    Again, thx for all the input that everyone contributed.

    Peace and Chicken Grease
    the thing is if you put something out there that is very difficult to kill, then word will spread very quickly, so that it will have a ton of people beating on it before long, and all it takes is one caster to wait and hit it with a very high dmg spell and take the prize every time, very soon it will be a caster only affair as the melees will avoid it. Having something once a week at the same time invariably shuts out all the players who cannot play at that time, ie if you have it at 9pm est, most west coast players are just getting home, and Australian players are at work.
    Fallen former minion of the Gelatinous Cube
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  17. #17
    Community Member ThrasherGT's Avatar
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    Default But.......

    Quote Originally Posted by ArkoHighStar View Post
    the thing is if you put something out there that is very difficult to kill, then word will spread very quickly, so that it will have a ton of people beating on it before long, and all it takes is one caster to wait and hit it with a very high dmg spell and take the prize every time, very soon it will be a caster only affair as the melees will avoid it. Having something once a week at the same time invariably shuts out all the players who cannot play at that time, ie if you have it at 9pm est, most west coast players are just getting home, and Australian players are at work.
    The way things work right now, casters can't use AoE spells in public areas. Also, If you made the time random between, say, 9pm friday est and 9pm sunday est then no one would feel like they had any advantage. If it is a dragon, as per My example, it wouldn't take more than a few minutes to kill, so I don't see more than a couple of dozen peeps being able to get to it before its dead (depending on the spawn location, of course....). I wouldn't want these to be announced in any way, shape or form, so if You aren't there when it happens, You miss out........
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  18. #18
    Founder Luthen's Avatar
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    Im curious why they havent made instanced versions of the Marketplace and the Harbor where you can do Slayer runs and what not. That'd kinda cool at low levels. Clear out the thieves or dregs or undesirables. Whatever.
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  19. #19


    You just need to get more Emerald Claw favor so you can unlock evil characters. Then you can do Marketplace runs.
    My Videos Shadow Mage (ok, it's a build now)
    A forum post should be like a skirt - long enough to cover the subject material, but short enough to keep things interesting.
    Britches and Hose kidnapped my dog and are forcing him to farm Shroud ingredients.

  20. #20
    Community Member issiana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tenlanni View Post
    Fun idea, but one thing we don't realy need is new players coming into the game only to be owned by a dragon running unchecked through the harbor, market, or even delera's graveyard. We need to keep new players, not drive them off in frustartion
    well that dosent turn them of, in fact it often drives new folk to play longer/harder to be ready for the next attack. or in my case in swg to have a go anyway, lol.

    For you swg old hands... Suber battle droids invade theed. lvl 80 elite battle droids walking though theed attacking ANYTHING that got in its path. me and my little lvl 20 character decides what the heck i'll have a go, lol. It was one of the most fun times i had in game, kitting that battledroid, trying my best to hurt it. yeah i got owned sooo many times, but i did do it some major damage before a lvl 80 came along and killed it.

    I loved those little invasssions, they made the cities that much more fun places to be
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