Runed Ogre Fermur
+5 Club with Anti Magic
ML 12 no rr

On a crit the target must make a 20 fort save or be unable to cast spells for 18 secounds. Awesome in PvP, PoP, Madstone ect...

I also still have up for trade +3 twilight Mith FP of owl's wisdom.

Best acceptable offer takes it. I reserve the right to cancel or close this trade at anytime for any reason.

Trade must be completed with-in 72 hours after close or I will repost it again. Unless u have a good reason for not meeting and pm me with alt date and time. I am on almost every night 7pm ish - 1am ish EST.

some things I need not a valuation of what this item might be worth;

PP or items;

Wiz V or VI item
Ring of the ancestors
+4> double enhanced Khopeshes, I am lawful good
+4> mith Fearsome FP
+5 mith FP of command
19 Blue Dragon Shards