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  1. #1
    Community Member haggis's Avatar
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    Default When you advertise something you mean IT

    WHY is it when I advertise RP or RP friendly do I get invites from group that do not play RP friendly. Please Non-RPers tell me what must I do. I say I want a group so I can have fun. I even make it a point whe nI get invited to say I am a RPer or at least a slow quest player, next thing you know I am stuck in a group running quick and using haste spells so we can get through quick. I hate leaving a group in the middle of a quest, I think that is wrong, but I say that is what I will do and end up spending 2 hours with a group finishing a series and find I did not have fun. I have have enough of it. I don't mind mindless quests running through but when I advertise slow I want slow. What must I do? Is it ok to drop in the middle of a quest when I am invited to a group that is not what I advertised I wanted?
    Mother: (visiting son at healer's tent) Well dear were you at least wearing clean underware
    Son: Ma, Jeez... I turned the corner and was face to face with a giant troll.... First I said it... then I did it

  2. #2
    Community Member lostinjapan's Avatar
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    1. Don't take it personal, it's not just you. I put up LFMs all the time saying things like 'in progress' or 'must know your way here' or 'bring your own heal pots' and people just don't read. They see that LFM and click join (or see the LFG and hit invite).

    2. Make your own groups for RP/slow and post 'please send tell' in the note. Don't accept join requests and only accept people into your group who respond that they are interested in your kind of group.

    Good luck!
    Amadare Ardency Discordance Fascination Xalixis

  3. #3


    I'm quite the zerger myself, so I don't have any experience wanting groups to move more slowly, but I also get frustrated with people who don't read lfg or lfm notes.

    Every time I get a wizard joining my group with the quest very clearly written in the LFM and asking what quest we're doing, or joining a 'warforged night" party with a fleshling wizard, I always have a question leap to the tip of my tongue and must strive to hold it back:

    "How does someone playing the class with the most emphasis on intelligence and by far the most emphasis on literacy, play so illiterately?"

    I haven't asked it yet, but one of these days it's gonna pop out and someone is going to remember Ghoste as a big jerk.
    My Videos Shadow Mage (ok, it's a build now)
    A forum post should be like a skirt - long enough to cover the subject material, but short enough to keep things interesting.
    Britches and Hose kidnapped my dog and are forcing him to farm Shroud ingredients.

  4. #4
    Community Member Uamhas's Avatar
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    Note to self: build that fleshling wizard, and request to join Ghoste's group. Just to be surrounded by warforged. Hm, wonder what the weather is like on his server?
    Quote Originally Posted by Beol
    AA is a river with currents both of a profound acceptance of individuality and of a certain love for brutal efficiency.
    xX-----==<<<Yes, I roleplay. Get over it.>>>==-----Xx

  5. #5
    Community Member Pyromaniac's Avatar
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    Not that it will take away all of the problem - I get the "is madstone in house j?" questions when I have up "know how to get there in progress" still...

    But I'd drop "RP Friendly" and put "RP group, slow questing" or something. I read "RP friendly" as we're open to RP, but its not required. Sounds like you're looking for RP required/Slow questing required.

  6. #6
    Founder Lizzybrat's Avatar
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    I agree with Pyro - although I've become quite a zerger all my chars say rp friendly because I like to rp, although rarely do it anymore. Be more specific as RP only or Slow/No zerging then before joining double check with the party leader.

    Also if looking for rp groups check out Order of the sword and rose and Fellowship of the golden night
    Proud to be part of the CureLite Bottling Co. - Thelanis
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  7. #7
    Community Member gorloch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghoste View Post
    I haven't asked it yet, but one of these days it's gonna pop out and someone is going to remember Ghoste as a big jerk.
    And that would be different from....

    Xoriat Born
    Pixa 20 rogue, Healza 20 Cleric, Biteza 20 tempest ranger, Casstza 12 sorc, Singza 20 bard, Kickza 13 barb, Nodda 8 fvs

  8. #8
    Community Member Ardanroth's Avatar
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    id also say you had the wrong message up, although that does pose the question which is for which

    RP friendly = RP but not essential
    RP only = Just RP nothing else

    any others ?

  9. #9
    Community Member Uamhas's Avatar
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    Also the Warforged Union does a little bit of roleplaying, but they're all, well, warforged of course. Big, beautiful, livewood and metal beasties that don't allow fleshlings into their guild. Dallie would give a full, unopened jar of her Ma's homemade pickles just to get someone to sneak her into their guildhall. Heheh.. oh, yeah... topic. Um. yeah 'r/p friendly' is good to let other roleplayers know you are interested, 'r/p only' is good to let non roleplayers know to stay away. 'pst' is also good, as it allows you a layer of screening, especially since sometimes an accidental 'request to join' click can occur.
    Quote Originally Posted by Beol
    AA is a river with currents both of a profound acceptance of individuality and of a certain love for brutal efficiency.
    xX-----==<<<Yes, I roleplay. Get over it.>>>==-----Xx

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by gorloch View Post
    And that would be different from....

    I'm usually a lot more gentle with my words in game than on the forums...usually.
    Quote Originally Posted by seancrane2 View Post
    Note to self: build that fleshling wizard, and request to join Ghoste's group. Just to be surrounded by warforged. Hm, wonder what the weather is like on his server?
    Lol. Occasionally we do bring along a that plat seller.
    My Videos Shadow Mage (ok, it's a build now)
    A forum post should be like a skirt - long enough to cover the subject material, but short enough to keep things interesting.
    Britches and Hose kidnapped my dog and are forcing him to farm Shroud ingredients.

  11. #11
    Community Member Erland's Avatar
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    Default Quiting is not a bad thing...

    Quote Originally Posted by haggis View Post
    WHY is it when I advertise RP or RP friendly do I get invites from group that do not play RP friendly. Please Non-RPers tell me what must I do. I say I want a group so I can have fun. I even make it a point whe nI get invited to say I am a RPer or at least a slow quest player, next thing you know I am stuck in a group running quick and using haste spells so we can get through quick. I hate leaving a group in the middle of a quest, I think that is wrong, but I say that is what I will do and end up spending 2 hours with a group finishing a series and find I did not have fun. I have have enough of it. I don't mind mindless quests running through but when I advertise slow I want slow. What must I do? Is it ok to drop in the middle of a quest when I am invited to a group that is not what I advertised I wanted?
    Personally, the purpose of the game is to have fun, if your not having fun, don't play! I have joined groups, where one player starts the Zerging thing and the next thing you know, everyone is zerging! I send out a general group message, are we playing or Zerging. If everyone wants to zerg, I'll let them know that's not my thing and either finish out that part of the quest then drop, or recall out. There are plenty of non-zerg players and it's not that hard to find them and trust me, the zergers don't care if you are part of their zerg or not (Unless your their cleric :P).

    Having said that, advertising is key. Use RP only or no ZERGERS! The tell to join is a great filter too.

  12. #12
    Community Member DDO_Ironwolf's Avatar
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    Default roleplay...

    It is a very tough thing to do it seems unless you have a group you are used to or have known for along time. The roleplay has declined much more since the merger sadly. Really there are three styles of gameplay ..

    A) Zerg the quests for reward

    B) Roleplay your chars in the run and slow it down having each char do their class and race style in rp form.

    C) Sit around a location and rp actual story lines.

    Before merger we had a lot more of B and C thats for sure. I have personally always enjoyed the B play style in quests but it takes everyone participating in it to really make it worth it and fun. Never got into option C.

  13. #13
    Founder Lizzybrat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDO_Ironwolf View Post
    It is a very tough thing to do it seems unless you have a group you are used to or have known for along time. The roleplay has declined much more since the merger sadly. Really there are three styles of gameplay ..

    A) Zerg the quests for reward

    B) Roleplay your chars in the run and slow it down having each char do their class and race style in rp form.

    C) Sit around a location and rp actual story lines.

    Before merger we had a lot more of B and C thats for sure. I have personally always enjoyed the B play style in quests but it takes everyone participating in it to really make it worth it and fun. Never got into option C.
    Honestly rp has been on the decline since mod2. I used to consider myself a member of group b and c and remember many a night where we would watch the sun come up after an all night rp session. Back in my Church of Tyrilath and CN days. It just becomes hard to rp your 100th time through STK.

    I'm also a rp purist. Either rp or don't but I got frustrated with groups that started strong only to have it 30 minutes in all go to hell and break into a discussion of an uber batman build or the football game that was on.

    Which is why I now fall into category A - although not for end rewards because my loot luck sucks.
    Proud to be part of the CureLite Bottling Co. - Thelanis
    The one. The only. The original. Groupie of the Band. The Band of the Shifting Sands
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    "You make gimp look good!" -Akree

  14. #14
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghoste View Post
    I'm quite the zerger myself, so I don't have any experience wanting groups to move more slowly, but I also get frustrated with people who don't read lfg or lfm notes.

    Every time I get a wizard joining my group with the quest very clearly written in the LFM and asking what quest we're doing, or joining a 'warforged night" party with a fleshling wizard, I always have a question leap to the tip of my tongue and must strive to hold it back:

    "How does someone playing the class with the most emphasis on intelligence and by far the most emphasis on literacy, play so illiterately?"

    I haven't asked it yet, but one of these days it's gonna pop out and someone is going to remember Ghoste as a big jerk.
    more than one person tin man....

    I joke of course, Hey look a can of WD40 over there /distraction

    /ninja VANASH
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  15. #15
    Community Member weyoun's Avatar
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    Default Please read the LFM

    /rant on

    There is a broader problem with people unable to comprehend the seemingly simple language and sections in LFMs. People just don't read them and it is one of the few things that gets under my skin. Examples:


    1) "Know your way"
    This means, SUPRISE!, know your way to the quest, know who to pick it up from, know what house it is in etc. This means you do not ask, "Where's the quest?" If you have to ask, "where's the quest?" that means you do not know your way.

    2) "In progress"
    This means we have already started, so don't expect to find someone who is going to run out to the quest with you (especially in the desert or the orchard). Generally, when you see this, you can assume that 1 above applies.

    3) "Be self sufficient"
    This means you need to be able to heal yourself, cure yourself, buff/haste yourself and generally take care of yourself without taxing the resources of the group. If you get a buff or a heal or a haste, consider yourself lucky.

    4) "Experienced players"
    See 1-3. In addition to 1-3, this also generally means that you have done the quest before or that you have sufficient skills to be able to compensate for not having done it before.

    5) "No hand holding"
    See 1-4.

    6) "Must be flagged"
    Why is this one so difficult to comprehend? Check your quest log, it will tell you if you are ready for the quest or not. The Litany of the Dead and Twilight Forge LFMs seem to attract more of these than any other quests in the game. If you don't know what a sigil is, please don't hit the LFM.

    7) "Flagging" or "Quick runs" or "No optionals"
    This means that you don't get upset that we are not going for the three chests in the bottom of the Chamber of Raiyum. It also means that you don't open all the unnecessary doors/paths in VON3, et al. Expect to ride around in someone's pocket if you die on one of these. If you decide you want to do these, do them on your own time, after the objective in the LFM is met and I am long gone.


    8) "Need <class>"
    This means the party needs a specific class, generally, its the one that is listed between the <>.

    9) If the LFM does not have a specific class in it, generally, it means that sufficient numbers of that class are already in party, or the party leadership does not feel that they are needed for the quest. They could be wrong, but its generally easier to let them find out by themselves than to attempt to convince them via tells.

    You will often see 1-7 in my LFMs. You will always see 9 defined and I mean it.

    I can't tell you how many times I hear these questions after someone has entered party:

    "What quest are we doing?"
    Why do people apply to the group if they need to ask this question?

    "What difficulty are we running?"
    Seriously. When I hear these I need to restrain myself from dismissing them outright.

    Now some of you will say, "that's what you get when you PUG" and I can understand that sentiment to an extent, but the degree to which it happens is dumbfounding. I have been patient with people when they choose not to read the LFM, or even read it and ignore what is written there. I have noticed, however, that there is an increasing trend of intolerance for folks who ignore the LFMs.

    /rant off

    Please read the LFMs.
    Lysol, Winner of the Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence

  16. #16
    Community Member DDO_Ironwolf's Avatar
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    Default lol

    Quote Originally Posted by Lizzybrat View Post
    Honestly rp has been on the decline since mod2. I used to consider myself a member of group b and c and remember many a night where we would watch the sun come up after an all night rp session. Back in my Church of Tyrilath and CN days. It just becomes hard to rp your 100th time through STK.

    I'm also a rp purist. Either rp or don't but I got frustrated with groups that started strong only to have it 30 minutes in all go to hell and break into a discussion of an uber batman build or the football game that was on.

    Which is why I now fall into category A - although not for end rewards because my loot luck sucks.

    I can picture that one , 30 min into the session and right when it starts gett'n good some one breaks in with ( DID YOU SEE THAT TOUCHDOWN BABY !!!!! ) WOOOOT !!! GO TEAM !!!! TO THE BOWL BABY !!!! OH SORRY GUYS I MEAN ... " Wolf takes out his Greatsword and polishes it vigorously .... =)
    Last edited by DDO_Ironwolf; 11-19-2007 at 12:29 PM.

  17. #17
    Community Member juniorpfactors's Avatar
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    Default ...

    well it isnt me....I zerg and Haste ...actually perma Haste is its not me clicking the Join button..but i respect anyway someone wants to do a quest...but for me its fast/ loot and do it again

  18. #18
    Stormreach Advisor

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    To the OP: if you want the RP, put "RP only, PST" in your LFG notes. Then decline any blind invite and RP a negative response to any non RP invite. "RP friendly" only means you don't mind joining a RP group, not that you absolutely want to.

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by weyoun View Post
    6) "Must be flagged"
    Why is this one so difficult to comprehend? Check your quest log, it will tell you if you are ready for the quest or not. The Litany of the Dead and Twilight Forge LFMs seem to attract more of these than any other quests in the game. If you don't know what a sigil is, please don't hit the LFM.
    Was doing a Titan run for WF Night, and we were already underway, and I got a join request for the 12th spot in the group from a lvl 4 fighter.

    Obviously I knew he wouldn't be able to enter the Twilight Forge, but I clicked accept anyways. I was curious to see where this would go. I figured, hey, it may be someone who has no idea what this quest is, and I can just quickly explain the pre requisites and send them on their way. It turned out to be a fairly young kid:
    -"heeeeeeyyyy guys! Where do I go for this quest?"
    -"'s a raid that you have to do the pre requisites for."
    -"Just tellllllllll me where to go, guuyyyyyyys."
    *laughter from the party*
    -"But you can't enter the quest unless you've done the prerequisites."
    -"Oh...well...just telllllllll me where to go, guuyyyyyys."
    *more laughter*
    -"You guys are meeeeeean, you know that?"
    *dismiss him from group*

    So sometimes it's little kids still figuring out the game, who obviously don't know what to make of some of the LFM comments.

    Incidentally, this was the same raid when we invited the plat seller into the party. That was an evening of much silliness.
    My Videos Shadow Mage (ok, it's a build now)
    A forum post should be like a skirt - long enough to cover the subject material, but short enough to keep things interesting.
    Britches and Hose kidnapped my dog and are forcing him to farm Shroud ingredients.

  20. #20


    There are also folks that simply don't know what RP is.
    Former Host of DDOcast
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