robe of heavy fortification
+4 lesser fire guard elven chainmail of burning hands 3/day
+1 mith chain shirt of improved fire reistance
+6 ac bracers
+1 acid guard mith fullplate of acid restance
+5 ac bracers or repair +3
2+ 5 ac bracers
+2 ghost touch blueshine mith tower shield
breast plate of vol
+5 mith breast plate
new +4 fearsom chain shirt
+1 contome
2+5 wisdom ring
goggles of the eagle spot+15 rr human
cleaver goggles of rage int +3 rage 3/day
ring of greater fire restance
+5 str bracers of false life 1/day
+5 neckless of protection
ring of shadows
+5 con neckless
3 reaver rings
vorpals,para, disrupter:
+1 true law greater crossbow of disruption
+2 para scimitar of pure good rr dwarf (3 points of damage)
+1vorpal byeshk dwarven ave axe of tendon slice +2
+1para long bow of power I
+2 para denswood reapeating heavy crossbow rr halfling
+3 vorpal battle axe no rr ( only trade )
+1 heavy crossbow of para
+1 keen long sword of disrutpion
new +1 vorpal kopesh of pure good rr drow level 10 hardness 25 duriblity 225
new +1 true choas mace of smiting
new +1 scimatar of smiting
+2 vorpal scimatar rr dwarf level 10 minor damage
cloak of ice
belt of seven ideals
+5 cha claok of elven kind hide+3
cloak of rage 3/day
striding boots 5% hast 5/day
+5 dex gloves of hypnostsem 3/day
+ 5 con belt of light fortification
+5 cha claok
+5 cha cloak of mage armor 3/day
2+6 str belt
+5 str belt
new+5 cloak of protection
new royal guard mask
greater bane wepons
new+3 thundering long bow of greater abration bane
+3 great axe of greater elf bane
+1 short sword of greater dwarf bane
+2 vicious great axe of greater dragon bane
+1 vicious scimitar of greater giant bane
+2 keen dwarven axe of greater animal bane
+2 vicious bastard sword of greater undead bane
+2 acid dwarven axe of greater undead bane
+2 holy dwarven axe of greater evil outsider bane
+4 vicious long sword of greater dwarf bane rr dwarf
+2 crippling dagger of greater reptilian bane
+2 ghoust though bastard sword of greater gnoll bane
+1 anarchic dwarven axe of greater elf bane
+ 2 thundering scimitar of greater gnoll bane
+1 maul of greater abration bane
+1 anarchic scimatar of greater elementel bane
other weapons:
+5 flamming burst long sword of pure good rr human
+4 icy burst dagger of pure good
+ 5 icy burst sickle
+ 5 crippling short bow of mamming
+2 greater potency v dagger
+4 icy burst great axe of vert 2
other stuff:
12 white scales
3 portable holes
1 sibery dragon shard
tome page 7
main wants
vorpal axe level 8 rr dwarf or level 10 prefure one hand but great axe is ok
pop x
disruption repeater