Here's some stuff available:
+4 Scimitar of Greater Dragon Bane
+1 Vorpal Khopesh of Shattermantle
+1 Vorpal Falcion of Vertigo
Spiked Boots
+15 Search item (rr Human)
Collection of Heavy Repeaters - will trade in bulk...
+1 Banishing Heavy Repeating Crossbow
+1 Str Sap of PG
+1 Seeker10 of Rightousness
+1 Destruction
+4 Icy Burst ML8 Drow
+1 Weakening of Puncturing ML8 Dwarf
+1 Holy of PG
+1 Wounding of Deception
+2 Curspewer of Shattermantle
+2 Greater Gnoll Bane
+1 Seeker6 of Puncturing
+2 Crippling Greater Dragon Bane
+4 Flaming of PG
+1 Anarchic Burst ML6 WF (Von 5)
5 Blue Dragon Scales
Shield pieces 1 and 2
Tome Pieces 3 and 8
Looking for:
+15 Intimidate ring rr any
Vorpal One Handed-Axe inc Dwarven Axe (for the Vorpal Falcion only)
Boots of the Innocent
Cloak of Ice
Electric Haze
Skyvault Shield (ML2 version)
+6 Con ring
Elite Dwarven Axes and Greataxes (eg Greater Banes, +5 Bursting)
Elite Rapier
Weakening of Enfeebling Scimi or Kurkis (low Priority)
Send PM with offers