Thanks again for the replies, folks.
That clears things up with the similar / same enhancements - so that's good to know.
As for the dual longswords - I was assuming the racial bonuses would offset it, but just wanted clarification. I'd probably go the longsword / kukri route for a while anyways until my BAB and bonuses are high enough to handle it.
(or longsword/shield, depending on the situation of course)
Can I ask your initial stats setup, Vengenance?
I've just started, so 32 pt builds aren't an option. So I'd guess 15dex, 15 or 16 str, 10 - 12 con, and the rest are dump stats?
Or did you go mostly str / con and then just up dex via racial / class enhancements?
Also, and this is more of a general question, what are the typical feats taken as a TWF ranger?
I'd presume WF: slash or pierce and IC: slash or pierce are givens, and dodge/mobility/spring attack for those thinking of the upcoming Tempest.
Maybe toughness if Elven for the extra HPs.
Am I missing any "must have" feats?