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  1. #21
    Community Member Aerendil's Avatar
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    Nov 2007


    Thanks again for the replies, folks.
    That clears things up with the similar / same enhancements - so that's good to know.

    As for the dual longswords - I was assuming the racial bonuses would offset it, but just wanted clarification. I'd probably go the longsword / kukri route for a while anyways until my BAB and bonuses are high enough to handle it.
    (or longsword/shield, depending on the situation of course)

    Can I ask your initial stats setup, Vengenance?
    I've just started, so 32 pt builds aren't an option. So I'd guess 15dex, 15 or 16 str, 10 - 12 con, and the rest are dump stats?
    Or did you go mostly str / con and then just up dex via racial / class enhancements?

    Also, and this is more of a general question, what are the typical feats taken as a TWF ranger?
    I'd presume WF: slash or pierce and IC: slash or pierce are givens, and dodge/mobility/spring attack for those thinking of the upcoming Tempest.
    Maybe toughness if Elven for the extra HPs.
    Am I missing any "must have" feats?

  2. #22
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    Oct 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Aerendil View Post
    Also, and this is more of a general question, what are the typical feats taken as a TWF ranger?
    dodge/mobility/spring attack for those thinking of the upcoming Tempest.
    That's it right there. Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, ImpCrit:Slash covers your feats through L9.

  3. #23
    Community Member Vengenance's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    Here's my build (pretty much).

    Mairith (13 Ranger/ 1 Rogue):

    The intentions of the build was to have a balanced ranger that could do both Range and Melee effectively. I wanted to make an elf and use longswords (I already have a drow weapon finesse rogue who uses rapiers and short swords). I wanted UMD and I wanted full rogue abilities, here is what I ended up with. Now that I’ve reached level 14 I can honestly say I have no regrets, this is by far my favorite toon to play (I have even convinced some of the Ranger haters in my guild that rangers can be effective). I still like my capped rogue, but he can’t provide near as much to a party as Mairith can. She can cast resists and barkskin on the entire party, can do mad DPS when TWF or when she switches to using a bow, can UMD scrolls and wands (BLUR, SHIELD, GH, Raise Dead), can open locks, disable traps, and she even looks good doing it.

    STR: 16 (+1 Tome, +3 @ level up, +6 Item)=26
    Dex: 18 (+2 Elven Dex II, +3 Ranger Dex III, +1 Tome, +6 Item)=30
    Con: 12 (+1 Tome, +5 Item)=18
    Int: 12 (+1 Tome, +5 Item)=16
    Char: 8 (+1 Tome, +5 Item)=14
    Wis: 10 (+6 Item)=16

    IC: Range
    IC Slashing

    UMD: +3 SF UMD, +3 Delara’s Trinket, +17 Level, +2 Char, +1 Luck Stone=26 Standing, 28 w/Hero Pot, or 30 w/GH. I carry extra GH scrolls and can re GH myself on a roll of a 10 when GH is still on or a roll of a 12 w/o it. I always carry plenty of heroism pots.

    Hit Points, not exactly sure, but somewhere around 250-255. I have toughness, wear the heavy fort/toughness helm, have Agents Favor (+10 Hp), and wear a Medium False Life Item.
    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________
    This much tougher for a 28 point build and you’d be better off going with Drow and weapon finesse. I you just want a good Elven Ranger then you could go with the following stats and feats and use Rapiers and Longbows. This is a balanced Ranger that will give you good DPS with Melee and Range.

    STR: 14 (+1 Tome, +1 @ level up, +6 Item)=22
    Dex: 18 (+2 Elven Dex II, +3 Ranger Dex III, +2 @ level up+1 Tome, +6 Item)=32
    Con: 12 (+1 Tome, +5 Item)=18
    Int: 8
    Char: 8
    Wis: 12 (+6 Item)=18

    Weapon Finesse
    WF:Piercing (maybe Iron Will)
    IC: Range
    IC Pierce

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ___________________
    If you really want to go longswords then try these stats 12 Ranger/2 Ftr:

    STR: 17 (+1 Tome, +3 @ level up, +1 Ftr Str I, +6 Item)=28
    Dex: 16 (+2 Elven Dex II, +3 Ranger Dex III, +6 Item, +1 Tome)=28
    Con: 12 (+1 Tome, +5 Item)=18
    Int: 8
    Char: 8
    Wis: 11 (+5 Item)=16

    WF: Slashing
    Iron Will
    IC: Slashing
    IC: Range
    FTR FEAT 1 (maybe WF: Range)
    FTR FEAT 2 (maybe Toughness--I like them hit points)
    Charater Names: Mostly Jeryle for the dudes and Merreth for the ladies
    Main: Wizards and Healers
    Officer of Unbreakable

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