Well let me say I was STOKED to see the black dragon in new pre-raid, I was a little upset that we cant fight him. His lines of questioning either lead onward to the quest or lead to you getting cooked like fries in a fry basket (which btw shouldnt rogues who make their evasion save be left standing there completely unharmed from a point blank blast of acid dragon breath? Hey don't blame me I didn't make the rules!). And when were black dragons known for chatting it up and helping you on quests, I'm pretty sure any short dialogue he would have with a band of good adventurers would end up in their deaths.
Anyway I'm not here solely to complain about the linear-ness of our MMORPG, I did like that they brought some D&D alignment lore into the game after all more use for alignment is something we asked for. I'd really like to see another dragon raid and not one in outer space that hides behind a force field and not ones that are sub-bosses. I think a lot of people could appreciate a more traditional fantasy dragon encounter think something a little less Eberron/Mechanical more Forgotten Realms/Dragonlance Fantasy. It would also be a great way to introduce red dragon scales and armor if you should make it a red.