Wow. I was actually liking this thread and then i read this. Wrong or right, you are entitled to your opinion. Let me address your opinions/statements by points.
1. They are an all Korean guild who lost their server.
2. Their communication is fine, if you speak Korean, since you don't, if you don't, I would suggest not pugging with them.
3. Duh. They speak Korean because it is their native language.
Personally I've had hilariously good times pugged with them, and some suck egg times. Same with americans, same with brits, same with aussies. Because they do speak Korean primarily, i applaud the choice of DDO Korean where at first I was annoyed. I thought it might be unfair, if they allowed some countries to do that and not others.. Would people complain about DDO south africa or DDO Iran?
Because its a language barrier and a lost server thing, i like it. It lets you know upfront, this person may not speak english, or english well.
Anyhow, they have a right to speak whatever language they want, regardless whether it is annoying to you. Don't pug with them, suck it up and move on. How does your post, or what your post implies help them, you or this game experience? I think you should have worded it little different to avoid looking like what you do, if your intention was to be helpful and informative.
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I have found that PUGing has been sometimes agrivating, but mostly has been rewarding for the experience of seeing different levels and tactics of play. Many PUGs I've been in have ended with everyone saying "Great Group, put me on your friends list." "Look me up next time you are on.", etc. Some have ended with "name" has lost connection or "name" has left group.
My son and I started our guild to be a friendly, non-elitist type of guild. All are welcome, within reason, and all are free to leave. We try to quest with guildies, but it isn't "required". The guild list is a second "friends" list. That much more opportunity to quest with someone you know and have had fun with. The only times we run a quest shorthanded or clericless, is when a cleric isn't available. I guess it is a bit of roleplaying there. I see the party as needing balance and should be diverse. Everyone in the party contributes to the successful conclusion of the quest.
I like to PUG with newbies every now and then, sometimes you get a real good player, sometimes not. I pay a fee to play this game and be entertained. To have fun. When it is a chore to do a quest, it isn't a game anymore, nor is it entertaing or fun. Some people have lost sight of that, but that is to be expected. We are all human. (and some warforged, elven, dwarven, etc.)
And yes, we are from Fernia.
Server: Ghallanda (Formerly of Fernia)
Guild Leader: Legion of the Silver Swords Fernia - Member and Officer: Forlorn Hope
Tuleth: Rogue 17 - Amein: Fighter 17 - Kelreth: Favored Soul 2 - Reylen: Paladin 8 - Streykas Bard 14/Rogue 2 - Ssinurn Sorc 11
Sorry, somehow it double-posted so I deleted this post.
Last edited by SteveK14; 12-04-2007 at 05:56 PM. Reason: Double post somehow...
Server: Ghallanda (Formerly of Fernia)
Guild Leader: Legion of the Silver Swords Fernia - Member and Officer: Forlorn Hope
Tuleth: Rogue 17 - Amein: Fighter 17 - Kelreth: Favored Soul 2 - Reylen: Paladin 8 - Streykas Bard 14/Rogue 2 - Ssinurn Sorc 11
My main gripe is that they speak Korean in Voice Chat. I don't know about the customs in your homeland, but over here it is considered rude to talk a language someone else in your company doesn't understand. They could be calling me a ****** bag for all I know. "No whispering when in company of others", I don't know is there an English equivalent for that.
By the way, I don't (want to) understand your Iran/South Africa -analogy. I don't mean to attack Koreans as a people in any way. And to an even lesser degree non-native English speakers. Heck, English is not my first language either!
What makes me sad the most is the fact that, contrary to my initial experience, they are for the most part really good players. They have their own thing and do neat tricks I have never even heard of. At first I thought they didn't know what the hell they were doing, but then I realized they just have their own way of doing things. I just feel so left out when I can't understand their tactics and have to lag behind.
I like their up-front attitude as well. They often announce that they are not good at English from the get-go.
Anyway, I apologize if somebody was offended by my previous posts. I don't want this thread to be buried in flames.
Caius Furius Aurelius of Fernia
Philadelphus - Theodorus - Vibius - Isidorus - Cnaeus - Lucius - Flavius
Aurelia - Lucilla - Iulia - Marciana - Caecilia - Pompeia
Subsidium - Robotello - Roboangelo - Argentarius
Good post, pretty much sums up what PUGs are all about.
I don't mind running with newbies; if they are up-front about it. Acting like you know what you are doing when you really don't is pretty weak.
It's okay to be new to a quest.
It's okay to ask if you don't know what to do, we've all been there.
It is NOT okay to do something you're specifically told NOT to do. Especially on a Titan raid. There was this one guy...![]()
Caius Furius Aurelius of Fernia
Philadelphus - Theodorus - Vibius - Isidorus - Cnaeus - Lucius - Flavius
Aurelia - Lucilla - Iulia - Marciana - Caecilia - Pompeia
Subsidium - Robotello - Roboangelo - Argentarius
well i do quest with a few of the DDO-k guys an awful lot but think...if you join their lfm...and you speak your native language (english more then likely) wouldnt that make you the rude one? b/c 90% of the time the DDO-k guys dont group alone in pugs, there is usually 1 or 2, and 70% of their guild cant understand english at all, and well cant type it either, so the ones that do understand english just simply translate it to those who don't.....
btw...mindflayer from DDO-k is a great guy actually understands majority of english and is very nice, not to mention he is quite knowledgeable and honestly people if any of you know me...that's saying a lot because i don't give compliments often...unless its on a pull...but then about 9 or 10 seconds later its followed by "what do you want to trade for it?"![]()
Xenaquin-12f/2rog/2barb Xenoquin-14p/2rog Xenioquin-16barb Xenaqin-rgr/rog Zenaquin-15c/1w Hasheam-16w MrZergy-13p/2f/1s MrsZergy-12f/1c/3rgr Reziela-15r/1m RIP-Reziel 15rgr/1rog
Well, these are the US servers after all. I don't think talking English here should be considered rude under any circumstances.
Are you just using the plural form of 'you' or directing this at me, I don't know. But I must reiterate that English is not my native language either
I don't think I've grouped with Mindflayer, but the same goes for the most of em. Those who speak/type English have been very kind and friendly. No doubt the others are as well, I just can't make contact with them.
Caius Furius Aurelius of Fernia
Philadelphus - Theodorus - Vibius - Isidorus - Cnaeus - Lucius - Flavius
Aurelia - Lucilla - Iulia - Marciana - Caecilia - Pompeia
Subsidium - Robotello - Roboangelo - Argentarius
This statement offends me. What about our server makes it an unsuitable home for Koreans?
I've grouped with them many a time in PUGs, and found them to be wonderful. Yes, they speak Korean and their English is not the best. But if you start with the assumption that all players are there to have fun, you'll find it easy to communicate and you might actually learn something.
You weren't being flamed by me. I don't agree with how you said what you said, and the sense of entitlement you seem/appear to show. I also state you are entitled to your opinion. I also state that you might want to adjust how you state it to avoid looking like an (insert non-eula approved word), if your intentions were to not look like one.
All in all, that was the friendliest "flame" I ever did see. I re-state my point. If you see ddo korea, don't pug with them if you entitlement issues with language cause you to post inanely about them on the forums. As you point out, don't you think YOU might have been a little rude?
No bad talking koreans about speaking korean when they lost their server? Is there a Finnish translation for that?
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I started fresh after mod3 came out, deleted all characters made prior. Have leveled up all the characters in my sig primarily in pugs. Ghallanda was always great for pugs imo. Keeps it fresh, learn to roll with the punches/adjust on the fly type of play. While I just joined a new guild(which I have basically run with for months) who are pretty tight I dont see myself going away from pugs totally. Great fun to be had there.
Reason I quoted you is I have run with the DDO Korea guys more than a few times and quite enjoy it. They are competant players and like to move at a quick pace without really zerging. Some of them speak no english while a few speak pretty good english. All can understand english when typed it would seem. They have always communicated pertinent info in my experience with them, I would run with those guys anytime.
Last edited by llevenbaxx; 12-05-2007 at 11:28 AM.
I pug 99% of the time. Ive listened to Fernians complain about Ghalladrians and vice versa. Hehe I had a person tell me "I just grouped with a tank in your guild that never waited for buffs or haste, he just ran ahead and killed stuff without us." Knowing full well that I was the tank in question I asked, "well did he die? need lots of heals or screw up anything for the party?" to which they replied, "no but he was too eliteist to wait for help, you are a much better team player."
I would just chuckle (as we were doing lvl 5 favor quests).
I think all servers have good players, and all have sucky players. One person might have an off day, so I try not to judge too much when I group with people.
Dogchair, your post was great until the "is there a Finnish translation for that?" part. Why'd you throw that in there? There's no need to offend me. Just let it go, I already apologized. I'm not gonna reply to your posts in this thread anymore.
Avonwey, I should have worded my question better, I know. I apologize sincerely.
Furgulder, I have not heard of this Ghallanda vs Fernia thingy. Somebody brought it up earlier in this thread. Ghallandans must REALLY hate my (or any other zergaholic's) sorcerer then![]()
Caius Furius Aurelius of Fernia
Philadelphus - Theodorus - Vibius - Isidorus - Cnaeus - Lucius - Flavius
Aurelia - Lucilla - Iulia - Marciana - Caecilia - Pompeia
Subsidium - Robotello - Roboangelo - Argentarius
Hey, at least they aren't Canadiens....![]()
My post isn't great, or rather wasn't great. It's just what I think, and a recap of what I said. You are correct, i should not have added a poke at the end trying to recreate the poke you made at americans. I apologize for that. I honestly don't care where you are from, as in it doesnt affect what I think of you or give me a reason to think less of you.
I apologize for adding that.
I guess we are finnished?
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