So.. there's this one thing I've been studying since the merge. Just observing; I don't have any hard data to back my numbers up.
Anyway. I live happily in PUG-nation, meaning none of my characters are in real guilds. I do have friends I run around with, but PUGging is my main form of questing. The subject of my "study" is the amount of people from different servers in a PUG. Meaning, how many persons are from Ghallanda/Fernia/Lhazaar. I use guilds to determine which server the player is from. I know, not very scientific
I can't tell whether a strange guild is from Lhazaar or Ghallanda, hence I only count the number of people from guilds that I remember from Fernia. Again, not very scientific. However, I've noticed an interesting pattern. The rough numbers are as follows: ~75% of the PUGs I've done have had more than 1/3 Fernia-born players. More than one third being (for the math impaired) 3+ in a normal group and 5+ on a raid. Furthermore, I only remember 2-3 quests where I've been the only Fernian. I do remember more than a few all-Fernian POP runs though.
What does this mean?
Fernians PUG more than Ghallandans and Lhazaarites? Were there large RP-guilds on Ghallanda/Lhazaar? A lot of people have joined Fernian guilds since the merge? I sub-consciously join PUGs that have more Fernians in them? Ghallanda was very elitist/guild-based? Lhazaar was very elitist/guild-based? A lot of people from either Ghallanda or Lhazaar have quit after the merge? Did Ghallanda/Lhazaar have a lot of elite/large guilds? We ran different quests/raids on Fernia than you did on Ghallanda/Lhazaar?
I don't know, but let me list some of the things I've noticed:
- We PUGged a lot back on Fernia. I've never been in a guild and I've managed just fine. It never got the point where one "must join a guild".
- Neither Ghallanda, Lhazaar or Fernia seem to have uber elitist guilds. Elitist in a bad way.
- Neither Ghallanda, Lhazaar or Fernia seem to have a lot of elite guilds. Elite in a good way.
- The few elite guilds do PUGs - at least raids.
- Roleplaying guilds are few and far between.
- The only large guild I can think of is the Old Timer's Guild (are they from Ghallanda or Lhazaar?). Anyway, I've been in PUGs with their members so they can't be the only reason.
- To my knowledge there are no underground guilds, which run anonymous 24/7 and only do quests with guildies.
So whaddya guys and gals think? Am I just delusional or does my "study" have a grain of truth in it?