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  1. #1
    Community Member parvo's Avatar
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    Default A very dangerous Kobold

    Watch out for the Kobolds with teeth like this VVVV

    Actually that is a picture of a long-standing bug that often causes instant death. Be nice if someone would take a look into it. It's fairly reproducable so long as you can get a creature on top of your head. And yes, I've bug reported it. Multiple times.
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  2. #2
    Community Member BlueLightBandit's Avatar
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    I don't know that this is a bug my friend...

    If I drop something on your head, whether it's an anvil or a kobold or a halfling... you SHOULD take damage. As a gm, I'd do a d10 for every 10 pounds, and if this was a 65 pound kobold that's entirely plausible.

    I myself would take considerable loss when something that weighed 65 pounds dropped on my head, why shouldn't my character?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quarion View Post
    No're not supposed to LIKE it... *sigh*

  3. #3


    Well, those kobolds needed to come up with some type of tactics to counter all the adventurers they needed. Mocat has been giving lessons.

    On a side note, I remember being killed from something that fell on me during the third part of waterworks. A Grey Ooze fell on my head and knocked me right out.
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  4. #4
    Founder Arianrhod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlueLightBandit View Post
    I don't know that this is a bug my friend...

    If I drop something on your head, whether it's an anvil or a kobold or a halfling... you SHOULD take damage. As a gm, I'd do a d10 for every 10 pounds, and if this was a 65 pound kobold that's entirely plausible.

    I myself would take considerable loss when something that weighed 65 pounds dropped on my head, why shouldn't my character?
    If it were a single attack, that would be one thing, but when they do this, large amounts of damage are applied continually until death - it's more like they're grappling/strangling you than falling on you. It's not just a little damage, either. This can drop even high level characters fast. It is possible to move out from under them if they don't kill you right away, but it tends to happen in doorways (I guess the creatures are jumping onto the ledges above the doors?), which is a place where people tend to try to stand still and keep the monsters on one side & the squishies on the other. Really, something balanced on a narrow ledge overhead shouldn't be doing constant falling damage to you. Sounds like a bug to me.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by BlueLightBandit View Post
    I don't know that this is a bug my friend...

    If I drop something on your head, whether it's an anvil or a kobold or a halfling... you SHOULD take damage. As a gm, I'd do a d10 for every 10 pounds, and if this was a 65 pound kobold that's entirely plausible.

    I myself would take considerable loss when something that weighed 65 pounds dropped on my head, why shouldn't my character?
    And this is a perfect example of having nothing to do with why people think it is a bug.
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  6. #6
    Founder RichD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlueLightBandit View Post
    I don't know that this is a bug my friend...

    If I drop something on your head, whether it's an anvil or a kobold or a halfling... you SHOULD take damage. As a gm, I'd do a d10 for every 10 pounds, and if this was a 65 pound kobold that's entirely plausible.

    I myself would take considerable loss when something that weighed 65 pounds dropped on my head, why shouldn't my character?
    This use to happen a lot more early on in the game and was addressed - only partially apparently. And if it was by design then the opposite should be true. I have had my character end up on top of mobs (particularly a dense crowd of mobs) and you don't do damage to them, in fact, you can't do much of anything except hope you can jump clear because they'll swing at you while you are stuck there.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by BlueLightBandit View Post
    I don't know that this is a bug my friend...

    If I drop something on your head, whether it's an anvil or a kobold or a halfling... you SHOULD take damage. As a gm, I'd do a d10 for every 10 pounds, and if this was a 65 pound kobold that's entirely plausible.

    I myself would take considerable loss when something that weighed 65 pounds dropped on my head, why shouldn't my character?
    In turn the creature falling should ALSO take damage. They don't. It is a bug.

  8. #8
    Community Member parvo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlueLightBandit View Post
    I don't know that this is a bug my friend...

    If I drop something on your head, whether it's an anvil or a kobold or a halfling... you SHOULD take damage. As a gm, I'd do a d10 for every 10 pounds, and if this was a 65 pound kobold that's entirely plausible.

    I myself would take considerable loss when something that weighed 65 pounds dropped on my head, why shouldn't my character?
    This is WAY a bug. As a DM you think a Kobold shoud have a 6' vertical, be able to jump up on players head and do 56 pts of damage? That type of damage is not based on just the weight of the object. It's based on momentum and impact, both of which are at zero because the Kobold is at the top of his jump when he is on your head. Relative velocity = 0, therefore impact and momentum = 0. This is WAY a bug.
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  9. #9
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    It used to be a big High 5 moment in Asheron's Call on the PvP server when you jumped on a newbie and killed him.

    It's possible that they just implemented this into DDO?

  10. #10
    Community Member Stonebread's Avatar
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    Default Yep, have seen this too

    Took 70 points of damage from a Kobold and was killed instantly in one of the harbor quests on normal. I was playing a tank and just wading through the Kobolds and suddenly, WHAM! DEAD. That would suck for permadeath. I now run away when mobs get the high ground.

  11. #11
    Community Member Ithrani's Avatar
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    Default Happened to me

    Quote Originally Posted by Stonebread View Post
    Took 70 points of damage from a Kobold and was killed instantly in one of the harbor quests on normal. I was playing a tank and just wading through the Kobolds and suddenly, WHAM! DEAD. That would suck for permadeath. I now run away when mobs get the high ground.
    I had the same experience, this is a long standing bug that has had other post about it before. I am not taking the time to dig it up if it even still exist. My Dwarf Pally is nigh untouchable in the harbor on normal but I was hit for 76 damage by a kobold that fell on me. my guess is it is an attack in which the mob gets lucky enough to critical you but somehow the damage is amplified from it landing on you, which might explain the rarity of this bug.
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  12. #12
    Community Member parvo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schadrim View Post
    It used to be a big High 5 moment in Asheron's Call on the PvP server when you jumped on a newbie and killed him.

    It's possible that they just implemented this into DDO?
    No one could mess up a mechanic this bad. This has to be a bug.
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  13. #13
    Founder Garth_of_Sarlona's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stonebread View Post
    Took 70 points of damage from a Kobold and was killed instantly in one of the harbor quests on normal. I was playing a tank and just wading through the Kobolds and suddenly, WHAM! DEAD. That would suck for permadeath. I now run away when mobs get the high ground.
    I know that several permadeath guilds already have specific exclusions in their rules due to this particular bug.


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  14. #14


    Unless we can start jumping on mobs and killing THEM, in true Mario style, this is a bug.

    I personally want to just even the playing field.
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlueLightBandit View Post
    I don't know that this is a bug my friend...

    If I drop something on your head, whether it's an anvil or a kobold or a halfling... you SHOULD take damage. As a gm, I'd do a d10 for every 10 pounds, and if this was a 65 pound kobold that's entirely plausible.

    I myself would take considerable loss when something that weighed 65 pounds dropped on my head, why shouldn't my character?
    Why don't the kobolds take ~50 points of damage when I jump on their heads then?

  16. #16
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HumanRogue View Post
    Why don't the kobolds take ~50 points of damage when I jump on their heads then?
    You have to take the Ethnic Stereotype Plumber Prestige Class. That attack is granted at level 1.

  17. #17
    Community Member Beherit_Baphomar's Avatar
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    Permadeath friends dont let permadeath friends solo.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grace_ana View Post
    At least I'm not on G-Land.

  18. #18
    Community Member Pellegro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlueLightBandit View Post
    I don't know that this is a bug my friend...

    If I drop something on your head, whether it's an anvil or a kobold or a halfling... you SHOULD take damage. As a gm, I'd do a d10 for every 10 pounds, and if this was a 65 pound kobold that's entirely plausible.

    I myself would take considerable loss when something that weighed 65 pounds dropped on my head, why shouldn't my character?
    Huh? a 65 pound kobold landing on your head should do 6d10 damage?

    Uhh ... whats a greatsword being swung by a guy with 30 strength do again? like 1d12+10, right? Max 22? And a kobold landing on you should do three times that?

    Dang, I need to trade in my swords for a kobold on a string. I want to swing that puppy around for 6d10 damage!

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