Looking to swap a +1 wis tome for a +1 dex tome. I will throw in a little plat or something to sweeten the deal. Let's say 25k. Saves me having to sell the wis on the AH just to buy the dex and pay the auction fees, etc.
Looking to swap a +1 wis tome for a +1 dex tome. I will throw in a little plat or something to sweeten the deal. Let's say 25k. Saves me having to sell the wis on the AH just to buy the dex and pay the auction fees, etc.
Lufeng - 15/2 Paladin/Fighter, Dryo - 17 Sorcerer, Rami - 17 Cleric, Purgatorius - 13/2/1 Rogue/Ranger/Fighter, Barbee - 11 Fighter
Legends of Aerenal on Sarlona
I have a dex tome i will swap yah man no need for anything else just tome for tome let me know