Hey everyone, i am lookin for either trades or Descent Plat offer for any of the items, i will let u know what im lookin to trade for at the bottom of the list.
*+1 impact Light Mace of Greater Elf Bane
*+1 Flaming Burst Dagger of Greater Elemental Bane
*+1 Thundering Handaxe of Greater Halfling Bane
*+1 Thundering Bastard Sword of Greater Abberation Bane
*+1 Vicious Heavy Pick of Greater Construct Bane
*+1 Acid GreatAxe of Greater Monsterous Humaniod Bane
*+1 Flameing GreatAxe of Greater Elf Bane
*+1 IceyBust HeavyPick of Greater Human Bane
*+3 Frost GreatAxe of Greater Reptilian Bane
*+1 Acid Bastard Sword of Greater Dwarf Bane
*+1 IceyBurst Heavy Pick of Greater Magical Beast Bane
*+2 Vicious Bastard Sword of Greater Construct Bane
*+2 IceyBurst GreatAxe of Lesser Giant Bane
*+5 Frost Scimitar of PureGood
*+5 Frost Dagger of PureGood
*+5 Shock Dagger of PureGood
*+5 Frost BattleAxe of Tendon Slice 2%
*+5 IceyBurst Great Sword
*+5 Thundering Short Sword of Vertigo +2
*+5 Holy Kurkri
*+3 Frost GreatAxe of PureGood
*+1 True Chaos Dagger of Tendon Slice 4%
*+3 IceyBurst Rapier of PureGood
*+2 ShockingBurst DwarvenAxe of PureGood
*+3 ShockingBurst handAxe of Righteousness
*+1 HolyBurst Scimitar of PureGood
*Chartoush's Inferno (+5 FlamingBurst Bastard Sword)
*+5 GhostTouch BattleAxe of PureGoof
*+4 Shocking GreatAxe of PureGood
Stat Damage!
**+1 Wounding Dagger of Puncturing (RR Human, UMD 20)
**+1 Weakening Dagger of Puncturing
*+2 Strength Sapping Silver Rapier of TendonSlice 2%
*+2 Weakening Warhammer of PureGood
*+1 Weakening LongSword of Righteousness
*2x Grevous Blades
Special Weapons!
*+2 thundering ShortSword of Disruption
*+1 Club of Disruption
*+1 Banishing HeavyPick of Lesser Golbinoid Bane
*+1 Banishing LightMace of Backstabbing +1
*+2 Banishing Dagger
Caster Weapons!
*+1 Greater fire Lore dagger
*Greater Potencey 2 LightMace (NO LVL REQ)-Great for Lowbie Caster!
*Superior Sonic Lore Club
*+1 TrueLaw Bastard Sword of Magi
*+2 Scepter of Magi
*+2 Dagger of Magi
*+3 Greater Spell Pen 5 Dagger
+3 Holy Adamantine Returning Throwing Hammers of PureGood
*+13 Balance, 5% striding
*+10 Jump
*+6 Dex
*+15 striding, +7 tumblr
*+30% striding
*+5 Strength
*+5 Strength, +3 Preform
*+4 dex
*+10 Balance, Disease Immunity
*+11 Hide
*Improved Fire res.
*+5 Dex
*+5 Wisdom, +3 Concentration
*+13 Bluff, +1 Wisdom
*3x +5 Strength
*2x Greater False Life
*Greater False Life, Disease Immunity
*+5 Intelligence, +3 Disable Device
*+5 Charisma, +5 Listen
*+5 Wisdom
*+4 Wisdom, +3 Haggle
*Mantle of DragonFriend
*Full Plate of Heavy Fortification
*+4 Mithral ChainShirt, Ray of Enfeeblement
*+4 Mithral ChainShirt of Command
*Every Greater Res Robe With some type of Elemental Guard!
*+5 Armor
*+13 Repair
*1 Black Scale
What Im Looking For~~
*+5 Resistance item
*+5 Protection Item
*Kardin's Eye
*ANY good 2 handers
*ANY Good Finessable Weapons
*Full Set of Scales
*New Named Items
*+2 tomes
*GFL ring
*Good Greater Banes
*+6 Stat Items
*Weakening of Enfeebling rapier/ss/dagger
*Wounding of Puncturing rapier/ss/dagger
*Many other things i cannot think of ATM
-I may trade several items for some of what im lookin for. I dont usually play weekdays so expect me on during the weekend.