If I am running an instance solo or with one other person the game is fine. As soon as I run a party of 8 and we start facing monsters my latency shoots up over 10,000ms (17,000+ is the record so far). I don't have any data loss, just impossible to play. I have no problems in town or anywhere else, only in instances and only when I have a reasonable size party and only when fighting monsters. As soon as the monsters are slain the latency drops. I have checked and checked and checked all my settings, scoured the forums, disabled all programs running in the background and still the problem persists. I cannot see anything in the tech support that helps my problem, I have tried pinging www.ddo.com and get no packet loss with about a 300ms average response. This problem seems to be very specific and unfortunately I can only suspect the game itself.
I have a second computer connected to the network, entirely different setup and it is experiencing the exact same problems with the game. Is anyone else having this issue and has any found a workaround or can suggest one? Any help will be much appreciated as unfortunately the only other solution is to cancel two accounts and look elsewhere.