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  1. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by jjflanigan View Post
    Otherwise the items are working more like "spell storing" items than anything else.
    That's pretty much what they are.

    I always thought it was ironic that DDO Pearls of Power are essentially Spell Storing items and the DDO Ring of Spell Storing was more like a Pearl of Power than anything else.

    But c'est la vie.
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  2. #22
    Community Member HFGfeather's Avatar
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    MysticTheurge is right in his calculations and this is why Maji should never be placed on a weapon.

    Yes, I am a Wizard and I do play the part. I give out with the Fighter Crack and buffs they need and cast the hold spells they want and the Firewalls and mob controll. But when I can put a hold on something and run up and kill it in 3 or for hits and take it out of the gene pool, with out taking any dammage, I am going to do just that. Especially when it is trying to hit me and the tanks are all moving on and don't seem to care about protecting their wizard. Yea they all yell at the wizard to cast Firewalls then don't bother to protect the wizard. So if I put a hold on a mob and no tanks kill it I am sure going to not waste my hold spell sitting on my duff when I can walk up and kill it.

    I am just saying put Maji on the correct items. So we can play our chars how ever we need to play them. Not how other people want us to play them.
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