A few days ago I did Chains of Flame. I was the one who talked to the blind guy. Yes I had a blindness immunity item on. Finished the quest, yada yada. Logged back on a few days later with the toon, low and behold! Still have the blindness effect on. Went into a quest instance and took the ring off, instantly went blind. blundered my way out and managed to get to a tavern to fix (ran out of wands, fool me did not have spell memerized!). Tried again, this time with spell. Still no go.
SO I put on a trouble ticket. THe answer I got was to go to a website that doesn't exist, and a closed ticket cuz I wasn't gonna stay up past 3 am my time.
SO, my question: is there some trick to remove this? Or should I bother the heck out of Turbine for it? I would really like to put on my superior devotion ring back on.