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Thread: Hjeel Myself!

  1. #1
    Community Member Yvonne_Blacksword's Avatar
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    May 2006

    Default Hjeel Myself!

    I admit it...
    I love me some WF barbs...

    But I got a question.
    I was thinking of adding a level of WAND USER and I would like suggestions on what class and when to take it.

    I have the stats to take...ok...wiz. But should I have rolled this one differently?

    Seems I have all my barb WF with a moderate intel.

    Seems to be a bug in my programming.

    So how about it.

    If you were to roll a Warforged barb...or WF fighter type, which caster type would you take a level or two in and when?

    Please help, as potions--wand--potion method of self healing appeals to me...
    (faster recovery...more efficient use of my Zerg time)
    (self sufficiency For The Win!)

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Mar 2006


    1 level.
    I'd take it early (lvl 1 or 2), but don't think it matters much.

    It doesn't even really matter what your INT is. The lvl 1 spells you can cast don't help too much after lvl 6 or so.

    However, being able to use wands for repairing, fireballing, lightning bolting, buffing, and secret door detecting is nice (esp. if you solo a bit).

    I have a 6 fighter/1 wiz WF alt that I don't play much, but when I do, I have a lot of fun. He's like a dwarven battle cleric only bigger and with fireballs.

  3. #3
    Community Member Yvonne_Blacksword's Avatar
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    May 2006


    Ok...that is what I was thinking...
    I get silly sometimes and don't go with my instincts..


    Although, that one level of ranger is making my rogue better...

  4. #4
    Community Member RTN's Avatar
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    If you're doing this, take wiz at first level so you can maximize your skill pts.

  5. #5


    If I was trying to decide between rolling a WF Barb/Wiz or WF Fighter/Wiz, I'd go Fighter/Wiz since I wouldn't be able to cast my spells when raged.
    The Brotherhood of BYOH--Thelanis: Charged, WF Artificer; Venomshade, Half-Elf Monk; Poxs, Fist of an Angry God; Crash, Pale Monkster

  6. #6
    Founder TreknaQudane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RTN View Post
    If you're doing this, take wiz at first level so you can maximize your skill pts.
    Sorry to reply to an old'ish post...

    But wizards gain the same skill points as a Fighter.

    Barbarians actually gain MORE skills than a wizard if you don't factor in intelligence.

    But yeah, Wizard for wands

    Even if it is only for 2 minutes, you can do an extended shield

  7. #7
    Community Member Yvonne_Blacksword's Avatar
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    I only use my rage for special occasions...

    and I could always...dismiss it...


    Found some serious Forged hate over the weekend...
    A guy we were trying to audition for the guild told me that Forged
    players were all horrible, bad, sucky players who steal kills, greedy grab/cry for other people's lewt and generally
    are unbearable to play around...He said he would never play with a Forged.
    He said he would drop group if there was a Forged in the party...
    He was in full swing of Forged bashing when I informed him I play a Forged...

    He barely back pedaled at all. Teling me all the Forged players he has ever met are all this way..
    I reminded him I play a Forged...
    He continued to bash my barb race of choice...and ask me how he could get a guild invite...

    The silly guy left party...none of us was mean enough to kick him...I don't know why he left.
    (there were other reasons for us wanting to drop him...refusal to lower his voice volume and yelling in the mic
    over the slightest thing, stalking a guildie...talking about how great WOW is, how great he personally is...loudly...etc.)

    Then he kept asking the Forged playing awful player to get back into the group...
    ( sh*)
    Doood...pardon my noobness...but isn't it bash guildmembers while asking to join said guild?!!!

  8. #8
    Tasty Ham Hunter Kargon's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Yvonne Blacksword View Post
    Found some serious Forged hate over the weekend...
    A guy we were trying to audition for the guild told me that Forged
    players were all horrible, bad, sucky players who steal kills, greedy grab/cry for other people's lewt and generally
    are unbearable to play around...He said he would never play with a Forged.
    He said he would drop group if there was a Forged in the party...
    He was in full swing of Forged bashing when I informed him I play a Forged...
    This are because all tinker toy warmaforged should be recycled and turned into fridge for keep all of Kargon Tasty Ham fresh, would be much more usefumul

  9. #9
    Community Member Yvonne_Blacksword's Avatar
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    May 2006


    Yvonniva has your ham...and is warning others about

    Your reign of ham is over!!!!!


    about the reign thingie

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