I've found that running my WF Battlecleric along with WF Arcane Casters just seems to blend well. I can tank and help pull aggro off of them and the mix of divine/arcane spells seems to work well, like greater command and firewall.
I've found that running my WF Battlecleric along with WF Arcane Casters just seems to blend well. I can tank and help pull aggro off of them and the mix of divine/arcane spells seems to work well, like greater command and firewall.
R.I.P. E.G.G. 3/4/08
I recently ran an all warforged group through the Tor. We finished fast with just 5 players (poor gatekeeper). We couldn't find a 6th We were 2 fighters, 1 barb & 2 sorc (two of us Lord of Blades sorcs ;-) ). Then onto the white room, the fight was an sharp incline, we barely trudged through, i drank a major & used 4 rez scrolls. We finished with no party whipe...
Then the 6th player joined, drand another wf sorc (an old novus player). We smoked through the rest of the quest. I've rarely if ever before seen the black and blue rooms finished so cleanly and as fast. With 3 sorcs, the blue room was just beautiful after taking a second to settle. And I've been on a fair share of tor runs, not to toot my own.
At the end of the day, it depends on the players, but the combo was excellent.
16 Sorc (healer buffer) this is me
1 Rogue/ 15 Ranger STR Tempest
16 Cleric Battle Build w/ Bladesworn 1
14 Barb / 2 Fighter Dual Kopesh build
16 Paladin
16 Wizard (Enchant or Necro focus)
This is my idea of the perfect group
I currently run with the first 3 and we can run all content non-raid with just the three of us with little to no trouble. I have a friend leveling up to catch us with a pure paly build that will really boost us up. The bard would just be for songs/facinates/buffs and enchantments......and the wiz would be for beating SP and crowd control with backup heal potential.
1Rogue/15 Wizard
16 Sorc
16 Sorc
16 Sorc
16 Sorc
16 Sorc
My Videos Shadow Mage (ok, it's a build now)
A forum post should be like a skirt - long enough to cover the subject material, but short enough to keep things interesting.
Britches and Hose kidnapped my dog and are forcing him to farm Shroud ingredients.
Want A Cheap Easy Way To Cure Feeblemind, Run The Shroud A Couple Times... Water + Water = Pancea , Both My Barbarians Carry It To Remove Fatigue/Stat/Misc Damage... Getting A Few Hps Back And Crushing Wave Guard On Tier 3... Now Thats Just... Glorious ... *Self Only Mind You*
*Edit* 3x Per Rest, Per Item/Weapon
Our guild has been on an all WF kick lately .... They are insanely powerful when grouped together....
We routinely sack Devils on elite 2 man .... WF sorc and WF barb/ftr dual wielder ( puncture FTW ) in 20-25 minutes each run.
The ability to reconsctruct and CC w/ 2000+ sp coupled w/ the barbs insane DPS makes most quests a cake walk.
When we actually run quests w/ 4 or more WF party members it feels like we are cheating.
Up with Warforged.... oh and death to fleshlings!!! ( thats for you Ghoste)