This is not a flame or bashing of Turbine in ANY way shape or form. Do not take it as that please.
While looking at the november poll and ...well raids in general.
And then doing trial runs on other MMO's and how they do raids I began to see a pattern in customer and player wants.
I know what the developers intent may have been to require flagging. It makes us run through quests. No developer wants to work on a quest for days and days only to see it ignored because its not required or some other reason. Or because they want to provide some level of a challenge. Or maybe to put a timesink in. I dont know, I'm not a developer. For whatever the reasons, I am sure they are legitimate. That is not my point.
What I have seen is that if players are left to their own actions as far as raids are concerned they will enjoy it more.
What I mean is that if you take away the flagging process completely, then I bet people will enjoy raids more. I dont think the removal of these flagging processes will mean that people will never run the other stuff.
After all did having no flagging on Tempest spine mean people never ran Delara's or Redwillow again?
Did the mere fact that you did not have to run ghola fan or shreiking minds ever again to get flagged for the titan mean nobody ever ran those two quests again? No, people will run the quests they enjoy and will not just raid all the time.
Think about the amount of time saved by not developing some complicated raid development and simply making a raid better.
Sure, require us to run 1 or 2 quests once to get raid flagged but only require it once like in the TF. Not any quest 20 times like in giant hold. Or assembling a sigil piece like in the Abbott.
Let us decide if we want to run that quest, let us decide if we want to run the new raid.
Maybe link it to favor and not a large amount like 1750. Maybe like 1000 or 800.
Unless you have X amount of favor the quest giver does not consider you worthy to take on the challenge.
Or HECK make it random, the quest giver gives out a different sort of flagging to different people.
Some have to go run these X 2 quests and defeat them, some have to go into tangleroot and find me the golden chalice, so on and so forth. Make it fun.
Make it creative, make it something, make it like a real DND adventure would be.
My point is that I think if you eased off or eliminated the flagging processes all together Raids will be much more popular.
I mean look at the poll, its amazing. Tempest spine is the numero uno and it has the least amount of flagging of all of them. It also doesn't have alot of complicated puzzles.. hint hint.
That to me says alot.
I understand the issue of the goldfarmers. Any amount of flagging is not going to stop them, that I can guarantee.
Leave the raid timers in, to me that is acceptable.
Does anyone else agree or am I just feeblminded?
Maybe the devs should open a forum discussion on flagging. Let us players brainstorm better ways to do it.