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  1. #61
    Community Member Nodoze's Avatar
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    Jul 2006

    Default Thanks... Very valuable!

    I really appreciate this guide and hope you get the strength to update it (I will try to help if I can but I have been out of the game for years)...

    I went with the basic pally build for one of my buddies (he basically just wants to play a Paladin and no other role and he isn't a fan of multi-classing)...

    For reference, we are trying to use the above build mentioned above in post number 7

    Both of our accounts are currently stuck with 28 point builds and I am trying to go with the following stats plan (human) for him:

    STR: 16 + 1 (Human Adapt Str 1) + 3 (Levels) + 2 (1750 Tome) + 6 (Item) = 28 (+9)
    DEX: 9 + 1 (Tome) + 6 (Item) = 16 (+3)
    CON: 15 + 1 (Tome) + 6 (Item) = 22 (+6)
    INT: 8
    WIS: 11 + 1 (Tome) + 6 (Item) = 18 (+4)
    CHA: 14 + 1 (Tome) + 1 (Human Adapt Cha 1) + 3 (Paladin Cha 3) + 6 (Item) = 25 (+7)

    I hope the above makes sense and is viable. My thoughts were:
    by dropping 1 str I saved 3 points (put 1 into dex now and moved the human adapt dex to str). I guess my thoughts are why spend 3 points now to get +1 str when I can spread them out on other skills at a cost of 1 or 2 each and still get the +1str later (instead of using human adapability to move dex from 8 to 9)... In the end I was still short 2 points so my Cha is slightly lower than the 32 point build (but I could even it with a single +2 tome).

    Lastly, I was curious where people recommended the skill points go. I see what intimidate and/or diplomacy could do in combat and possibly UMD with the high Charisma but not sure what else makes sense in these builds.

    If you could recommend what skills for a single class human paladin (and why) that would be awesome!

    Note that we will mainly duo and PuG in others unless we find a guild. The build I am using is the 28 point battle cleric (1 barbarian/'rest' cleric) and will have intimidate with heavy armor and spells/healing...

    It might also be helpful for others to add the recommened skills for the other builds as well though my focus for now is the 28 point basic/single class paladin build.
    Last edited by Nodoze; 06-06-2009 at 03:43 PM. Reason: hi-light of blue on black was hard to read.. changed to red... Also added link to post number 7 for reference...

  2. #62
    Community Member Dworkin_of_Amber's Avatar
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    Nodoze - This is version 1.2 of my Paladin Build Guide, and was replaced with the v 2.1 (which is still old, I admit)... so First I would say to check the newer version.

    But to answer your questions (a bit belatedly, I apoligize):

    As for dropping to 16 STR, that is perfectly fine, and a good choice for 28 points builds. Paladins require so many stats to be good, that this is a good choice, especially for beginning players who aren't going to have the time/access to grind for the Raid or rare gear for uber min/maxing.

    As for skills, YMMV, but I recommend the following:
    1 Rank of Tumble

    Yes, I know they are all cross-class, but I am not a fan of the class skill for Pallys. Some may say Diplo... I wouldn't recommend Intimidate unless you are going to MC into Fighter or Rogue, or something that makes it Class skill.
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  3. #63
    Community Member SgtSplacker's Avatar
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    bumping for a friend
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