I've bug reported it from inside the game more than once, and got nowhere.

And it's going to seem like a small thing in my case, but it points at a larger problem.

1) I've beaten Velah with my cleric exactly one time. I know, because I have the favor for it.

2) Quest completions still says ZERO for that raid.

It's not that I really need that 1 completion for anything, but I'm mad as hell that the system can't even reliably count to 1.

I'm a lot less concerned about whether or not my 1 Velah completion is counted accurately, as I am all the other raid completions I have on multiple toons. Are those numbers correct? WHO KNOWS? I have no confidence that it is.

I'd appreciate some acknowledgement from the Devs that they are at least aware of the issue. Find the bug, explain the bug, fix the bug, and then give me and everyone else the proper credit for ALL quest completions.