Hello all,

I recently started playing DDO again after about a year off. I have rolled a WF and am working towards the following Idea and was curious if anyone had experiance with it that could offer advice. Please note this is designed as a 2 handed fighter as I was going to take a level or 2 of barbarian for a basic rage but forgot to switch alignment so he is lawful good.

Base stats I adjusted ( rest are the same as at start ) :
Str: 18
Dex: 12
Con 17

Level 1 - Fighter
Level 2 - Sorcerer
Level 3 - Paladin
Level 4 - Paladin
Level 5 - Paladin
Level 6-14 Fighter

Feats so Far:

Level 1 - Adamantine, Two handed Fighting
Level 3 - Weapon focus Slashing ( mainly uses great ax )