Both tomes have been TRADED. Thank you for everyones help.
Both tomes have been TRADED. Thank you for everyones help.
Last edited by debo; 11-08-2007 at 06:00 PM.
Any interest in a +5 holy burst cold iron greataxe of puregood? It's rr dwarf lvl 14?
that is a sick axe.
FYI there was a bug a while ago which caused certain items of a higher quality to drop from the loot tables.
These items were generated at min lvl 14 or even 16.
The developers released a patch which dropped the min lvl to 14 to allow us to use these items.
So, theoretically, it's possible. I'm not positive on the whole lvl requirement mandate but my +5 Greater Construct Bane Longbow (no race required) says stuff like this is possible
I hate you luka........lucky bugger
Why are most of you focused on my axe? Worry about Debo's thread and his tomes. I didn't ask anyone else but him if he could use.
*free bump
no... 14 is right (methinks)
+5 = ML8
Holy Burst = +6ML (it's not +8 is it? O.o)
Pure Good = +2ML
RR = -2ML
ColdIron = Free (just adds to the base cost of the axe)
8+6+2-2=14 last time i checked...
(i'm at work and cant check the holy burst ml req until i get home, so if i'm wrong, then i'm wrong)
Aesch - Ranger 13|Paladin 3 ~ Aeschill - Sorceror 16You Cant Shake The Devil's Hand and Say You're Only Kidding.
+2 DEX has been traded ... updated my wants a little ... and still have the +2 STR.
Idk iam thinking it can only go up to +4holyburst of 14 item-maybe Rr with that but,+5 idont think so...
+5 holy burst of pg isnt possible except bugged which is possible it could be a bugged item screenshot of the item? or trade window it to thrann ill believe it if he says he saw it in the trade window
If I screenshot it then people would say its photoshopped. Either believe it or don't I have nothing to prove or whether anyone believes me. I didn't offer the weapon to anyone or ask anyone if they could use besides Debo the original poster.
It's so funny that people forget all the bugged items in this game. From those beyond the grave runs where every other caster item was superior lore/ greater lore and superior whatever 7 items all with no lvl requirements on them. Also, what of when we were all still lvl 12 and on loot weekend we got lvl 14 items...and don't forget last loot weekend in july or whenever when same thing happened.
If I ever do decide to trade or give to a different guildmate you can bother them with asking them to show or how they have it and it its not possible.
*free bump
k like i said it could be bugged they mess up the loot tables beyond recognition
bump for the night... I still have a +2 STR tome and want to trade it for a +2 INT or CON.