I had a paladin, I liked running her...but it did seem that she got less useful over time.
She couldn't intimidate well. Seemed fighters could always command greater agro.
She didn't DPS well.
She had trouble.
Maybe it was my build.
I was wondering if there was any way to improve them through the levels without taking all the glory (wait...paladins are all about the glory) away from the Fighters and the barbs.
Honestly, I thought of her as a back up healer, rather than a tank. Which saddened me.
Diplomacy. This skill needs some work. Use it and the MOBs attack someone else?
Shouldn't a high enough diplomacy actually make a MOB less likely to attack your party and, in fact, convince them to fight with you...Think about the times we use it to convince Giants to give us their keys or other MOBs not attack. Couldn't this work? Like suggestion...Acquire Henchling?
This is well used by many but little used by me. Finding the hot bar and clicking on it always seemed too hard to remember (must have used INT as a dump stat...lol.) What if their confirmed crit actually produced a smite evil result?
Bad Idea?
Armor. Paladins are trained for heavy armor, they live in it. they sleep in it...they polish it till it gleams! Appearance is everything. Shouldn't their background and training allow---say an enhancement that shows their superior armor mastery, A + to armor class or a minus to armor penalty? Just because they are pali?
I know...I make little sense.
I would like to play a Paladin again, but after 12th level she seemed to be readily replaced by fighters and barbs, someone with the strength to maintain agro, swiftly kill and take damage. Sure, disease immunity, fear immunity...self healing/buffing capability...
But a holy knight should still be a force to be reckoned with.
Let the reckoning begin!