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  1. #1
    Hamfather totmacher's Avatar
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    Oct 2006

    Default Argonessen Prices Dropping Through The Floor

    Has anyone noticed lately how stuff has gotten a lot cheaper? I saw a Kardin's Eye on the AH for 1.3M plat the other day... that's crazy. I think either a lot of gold farmer accounts got banned and they shored up the stack duping bug. Either way I think this is really good for the little man, don't have to have 2M plat minimum to buy stuff anymore.

  2. #2
    Uber Completionist Lithic's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Prices have been dropping since mod 4. Ever since then, the 'rare' items are not all that rare. +6 items and power 5 weapons are easy enough to get, and many people just give the less perfect ones to guildmates. "Anyone here need a +1 paralysing heavy pick before I vendor it?" is not all that uncommon.

    The only really rare items (for now at least) are the newest named item (havent been out long enough) and the Kardin's eye (which is rarer than most named items due to the chest appearing in about 1/4 loot runs). Oh and +2 tomes, but those are another story.

    Its the way things go. +5 FP use to be awesome, now its vendor garbage. Anyone else remember how hard wounders use to be to get? Well now you can pick up a few everytime you go to the House D broker.

    Sure banning loads of farmers might drop prices (or raise them depending on what exactly thier effect was), but the biggest drop is due to how commonplace everything is becoming.
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  3. #3
    Community Member Beherit_Baphomar's Avatar
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    Yeah, I dont think the price drops have anything to do with farmers being banned, they've been dropping for some time now.

    Like Psi said, only new named and a few others get you top gold (w/p rapier/shortsword).

    Para's, vorpals, disruptors, smiters, banishers, all vendor trash...kinda sad.

    Hell, even +5 Mithral is slowing down in the price department...used to be it was snapped up hotquick off the AH, now, it sits.
    Binding is Admitting Defeat ~ Yndrofian
    Of The O.S.D, Argonnessen
    Quote Originally Posted by Grace_ana View Post
    At least I'm not on G-Land.

  4. #4
    Hamfather totmacher's Avatar
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    Oct 2006


    Note: I don't condone buying plat or recommend it, I'm just looking at this from a economical perspective, since although Turbine disavows that plat farmers have an effect on the economy, they still do.

    Actually I think this is how it went (I don't remember the time periods):

    Plat farmers create stackable dupe. They start duping major mnemonics and basically start creating trial accounts to hold obscene amounts of money.
    Super inflationary period: People buying plat for 40 bucks USD for 4 mill plat. Insane amount of money flowing through economy and everything on AH was 2 mill plat buyout.
    Turbine shores up duping bug.
    Plat farmers get scared and start managing their huge reserves. Prices of plat spike through roof on plat farmer websites. 100k plat is now 20 USD.
    Cooldown period: Plat farmers realize they can milk this pretty hard. They still sell plat on the websites albeit start lowering the cost of plat due to competition. (Sites like the ones you get spam from are just intermediaries; the real farming houses post their prices on their website because they can't do the web transaction, they don't have american credit cards) Prices for most stuff sits at 2m plat.
    Turbine bans a lot of holding accounts.
    Items on Auction House start deflating, due to lack of all that liquidity flowing into the market.
    Now: Plat websites now require holding periods for purchases due to lack of large reserves like they had before. Items aren't being snatched up on the Auction House anymore (planar girds for 2M plat anyone?) and being relisted on websites. The max amount of plat you can instantly buy on one website (not naming names) is 500k, whereas you have to put a purchase order for more. Things like Kardin's Eye are bought out on the auction house by normal people (or plat farmers) for 1.2M plat.

    And yes I do think that due to the non-scarcity of Power 5 items, etc., that prices have dropped for them. I'm talking about this from a broader perspective, in terms of general prices over all items. There has been a definite change in the past couple of weeks.

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