Trade List:
Shining Devastation, (+5 Adamantine, Everbright, Force, Greatclub, ML: 14)
Silver Longbow, (+2 Holy Longbow, 19-20/x3 base crit, ML: 6)
+1 Banishing Repeating Light Crossbow of Pure Good, ML:12
+1 Banishing Greatclub, ML: 10
+1 Banishing Shortbow, ML: 10
+1 Banishing Longbow of Righteousness, ML: 12
+1 Banishing Quarterstaff, ML:10
+1 Banishing Light Mace of Deception, ML: 10 RR: Dwarf
+2 Banishing Shortsword of Pure Good, ML: 14
+2 Greatsword of Disruption, ML: 12
+1 Ghost Touch Bastard Sword of Disruption, ML: 12
+1 Thundering Khopesh of Disruption, ML: 12
+1 Paralyzing Shortbow, ML: 10
+1 Paralyzing Dwarven Axe of Deception, ML: 12
+2 Paralyzing Flametouched Kama, ML: 12
+1 Shock Quarterstaff of Smiting, ML: 12
+1 Vorpal Greataxe, ML: 10
+1 Vorpal Battleaxe of Backstabbing, ML: 12
+2 Weakening Kukri of Enfeebling, ML: 12
+2 Weakening Kama of Enfeebling, ML: 12
+2 Weakening Dwarven Axe of Enfeebling, ML: 12
Dex +6 Boots, ML: 13
Dex +6 Boots, ML:11 RR Human
Con +6 Belt, ML: 13
Inferno Bracers (Dex +6), ML: 13
Belt of Heavy Fort, ML:11
Strength +5 Belt of Light Fort, ML: 13
Strength +6 Gloves, ML: 13
Ring of the High Priest, (+4 Wisdom, Greater Command 3x/day), ML:13
Lenses of Doom, (Spot +11, Search +11, Boneshatter, Goggles, ML:13) - Exclusive
Jorgundal's Collar, (Permanent Melee Haste) ML: 13
Ring of Shadows
Eye of the Beholder, (Absorb Doomsphere Rays 8x/day, Deathblock), ML: 13
Breastplate of Vol, (+5 Mithral Breastplate, +4 Dexterity, ML:12)
+5 Mithral Breastplate, ML: 8
+5 Mithral Full Plate, ML: 8 (Slightly damaged)
+5 Mithral Full Plate of Lesser Fire Resistance, ML:10
+4 Mithral Full Plate, ML: 6
+4 Mithral Breastplate, ML: 6
+4 Mithral Full Plate with other junk on it, ML:10
+4 Mithral Breastplate of Lesser False Life, ML:8
3 White Dragonscales
I am open for big cash offers.
Electric Haze
Transmuting Rapier of Puncturing
Wounding Rapier of Puncturing, RR: Elf or none at all.
And the typical stuff:
Kardin's Eye
Boots of the Innocent
W/P Shortsword, Dagger