Results 1 to 20 of 20
  1. #1

    Default Some items for sale/trade

    Trade List:


    Shining Devastation, (+5 Adamantine, Everbright, Force, Greatclub, ML: 14)
    Silver Longbow, (+2 Holy Longbow, 19-20/x3 base crit, ML: 6)

    +1 Banishing Repeating Light Crossbow of Pure Good, ML:12
    +1 Banishing Greatclub, ML: 10
    +1 Banishing Shortbow, ML: 10
    +1 Banishing Longbow of Righteousness, ML: 12
    +1 Banishing Quarterstaff, ML:10
    +1 Banishing Light Mace of Deception, ML: 10 RR: Dwarf
    +2 Banishing Shortsword of Pure Good, ML: 14

    +2 Greatsword of Disruption, ML: 12
    +1 Ghost Touch Bastard Sword of Disruption, ML: 12
    +1 Thundering Khopesh of Disruption, ML: 12

    +1 Paralyzing Shortbow, ML: 10
    +1 Paralyzing Dwarven Axe of Deception, ML: 12
    +2 Paralyzing Flametouched Kama, ML: 12

    +1 Shock Quarterstaff of Smiting, ML: 12

    +1 Vorpal Greataxe, ML: 10
    +1 Vorpal Battleaxe of Backstabbing, ML: 12

    +2 Weakening Kukri of Enfeebling, ML: 12
    +2 Weakening Kama of Enfeebling, ML: 12
    +2 Weakening Dwarven Axe of Enfeebling, ML: 12

    Dex +6 Boots, ML: 13
    Dex +6 Boots, ML:11 RR Human
    Con +6 Belt, ML: 13
    Inferno Bracers (Dex +6), ML: 13
    Belt of Heavy Fort, ML:11
    Strength +5 Belt of Light Fort, ML: 13
    Strength +6 Gloves, ML: 13

    Ring of the High Priest, (+4 Wisdom, Greater Command 3x/day), ML:13
    Lenses of Doom, (Spot +11, Search +11, Boneshatter, Goggles, ML:13) - Exclusive
    Jorgundal's Collar, (Permanent Melee Haste) ML: 13
    Ring of Shadows
    Eye of the Beholder, (Absorb Doomsphere Rays 8x/day, Deathblock), ML: 13

    Breastplate of Vol, (+5 Mithral Breastplate, +4 Dexterity, ML:12)
    +5 Mithral Breastplate, ML: 8
    +5 Mithral Full Plate, ML: 8 (Slightly damaged)
    +5 Mithral Full Plate of Lesser Fire Resistance, ML:10
    +4 Mithral Full Plate, ML: 6
    +4 Mithral Breastplate, ML: 6
    +4 Mithral Full Plate with other junk on it, ML:10
    +4 Mithral Breastplate of Lesser False Life, ML:8

    3 White Dragonscales

    I am open for big cash offers.

    Electric Haze
    Transmuting Rapier of Puncturing
    Wounding Rapier of Puncturing, RR: Elf or none at all.

    And the typical stuff:
    Kardin's Eye
    Boots of the Innocent
    W/P Shortsword, Dagger
    Last edited by Kraldor; 02-08-2008 at 01:11 AM.

    Aelvara - Bagel - Bagelbot - Daarna - Kraldor - Minibagel - Uberlute - Wounder

    |||-C a f f e i n e-|||
    |||Q u a n t u m - E n t r o p y|||

  2. #2
    Community Member brshelton's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    id like shield pieces 3 and 8 what are your wants?

  3. #3


    added some wants

    Aelvara - Bagel - Bagelbot - Daarna - Kraldor - Minibagel - Uberlute - Wounder

    |||-C a f f e i n e-|||
    |||Q u a n t u m - E n t r o p y|||

  4. #4


    smiting shortsword sold, tome piece 3 traded for tome piece 5.

    Aelvara - Bagel - Bagelbot - Daarna - Kraldor - Minibagel - Uberlute - Wounder

    |||-C a f f e i n e-|||
    |||Q u a n t u m - E n t r o p y|||

  5. #5


    slight update

    Aelvara - Bagel - Bagelbot - Daarna - Kraldor - Minibagel - Uberlute - Wounder

    |||-C a f f e i n e-|||
    |||Q u a n t u m - E n t r o p y|||

  6. #6


    added wants. I NEED A +6 CHA RING

    Aelvara - Bagel - Bagelbot - Daarna - Kraldor - Minibagel - Uberlute - Wounder

    |||-C a f f e i n e-|||
    |||Q u a n t u m - E n t r o p y|||

  7. #7


    Breastplate of Vol and Axe of the Unseen Blow traded.

    I am still in search of a +6 charisma ring.

    Aelvara - Bagel - Bagelbot - Daarna - Kraldor - Minibagel - Uberlute - Wounder

    |||-C a f f e i n e-|||
    |||Q u a n t u m - E n t r o p y|||

  8. #8


    added two greatswords and jorgundals collar

    Aelvara - Bagel - Bagelbot - Daarna - Kraldor - Minibagel - Uberlute - Wounder

    |||-C a f f e i n e-|||
    |||Q u a n t u m - E n t r o p y|||

  9. #9



    Aelvara - Bagel - Bagelbot - Daarna - Kraldor - Minibagel - Uberlute - Wounder

    |||-C a f f e i n e-|||
    |||Q u a n t u m - E n t r o p y|||

  10. #10


    Added to items:
    +1 Paralyzing Shortbow
    +3 Greater Potency VI Light Mace
    Removed from items
    +1 Superior Devotion VI Dagger
    +1 Flaming Handaxe of Disruption
    Banner Cloak
    Lenses of Doom (1 of 2)
    Breastplate of Vol (1 of 2)
    Removed from wants
    Superior Potency VI One-Hander

    I still need a +6 Charisma ring, any RR will do.
    Last edited by Kraldor; 11-13-2007 at 11:10 PM.

    Aelvara - Bagel - Bagelbot - Daarna - Kraldor - Minibagel - Uberlute - Wounder

    |||-C a f f e i n e-|||
    |||Q u a n t u m - E n t r o p y|||

  11. #11


    Added some stuff

    Aelvara - Bagel - Bagelbot - Daarna - Kraldor - Minibagel - Uberlute - Wounder

    |||-C a f f e i n e-|||
    |||Q u a n t u m - E n t r o p y|||

  12. #12


    +6 Strength Ring
    +3 Greater Potency VI Light Mace

    Aelvara - Bagel - Bagelbot - Daarna - Kraldor - Minibagel - Uberlute - Wounder

    |||-C a f f e i n e-|||
    |||Q u a n t u m - E n t r o p y|||

  13. #13


    +1 Holy Burst Greatsword of Maiming

    Aelvara - Bagel - Bagelbot - Daarna - Kraldor - Minibagel - Uberlute - Wounder

    |||-C a f f e i n e-|||
    |||Q u a n t u m - E n t r o p y|||

  14. #14


    Big update, after a long while

    Aelvara - Bagel - Bagelbot - Daarna - Kraldor - Minibagel - Uberlute - Wounder

    |||-C a f f e i n e-|||
    |||Q u a n t u m - E n t r o p y|||

  15. #15



    Aelvara - Bagel - Bagelbot - Daarna - Kraldor - Minibagel - Uberlute - Wounder

    |||-C a f f e i n e-|||
    |||Q u a n t u m - E n t r o p y|||

  16. #16


    Added and removed some items. I am very low on plat at the moment, so please feel free to make some cash offers if you want something.

    Aelvara - Bagel - Bagelbot - Daarna - Kraldor - Minibagel - Uberlute - Wounder

    |||-C a f f e i n e-|||
    |||Q u a n t u m - E n t r o p y|||

  17. #17


    Full set of tome pages removed.

    Aelvara - Bagel - Bagelbot - Daarna - Kraldor - Minibagel - Uberlute - Wounder

    |||-C a f f e i n e-|||
    |||Q u a n t u m - E n t r o p y|||

  18. #18


    ghost touch disruptor bastard sword added.

    Aelvara - Bagel - Bagelbot - Daarna - Kraldor - Minibagel - Uberlute - Wounder

    |||-C a f f e i n e-|||
    |||Q u a n t u m - E n t r o p y|||

  19. #19
    Community Member Rafal's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    I am interested in Inferno and Ethereal bracers, have Kardin Eye and +6 Cha ring.
    Let me know what do you think plz.

  20. #20


    Alot of stuff removed due to trades, as well as some new things added.

    Aelvara - Bagel - Bagelbot - Daarna - Kraldor - Minibagel - Uberlute - Wounder

    |||-C a f f e i n e-|||
    |||Q u a n t u m - E n t r o p y|||

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