I have complete set, Ill trade for a wound pucturing Rapier. Let me know
I have complete set, Ill trade for a wound pucturing Rapier. Let me know
Last edited by pfannes79; 11-03-2007 at 10:58 PM.
I sure as **** am gonna try and find you one
"The proper office of a friend is to side with you when you are in the wrong. Nearly anybody will side with you when you are in the right."
The Burning Hand ~ Sarlona
(\/)annaz ~ (\/)annox ~ (\/)anny ~ (\/)annfred
cool thanks for looking..tome set up for grabs who can get me a rapier the fastest..
Giving away a complete set of Tome pages..
is this a serious post? cuz no way would i give a rapier for what ur offering
Well ur intittled to ur opinion,, yes this is serious A full tome set thats 8 tome pages for a Wounding Puncturing Rapier..
Im not trying to rip anyone off here..Im saving people alot of time trying to collect tomes...Ill i want is a silly WP rapier..
geeze thorack how many wp rapiers do you own already?!? every 3 months you go on a wp forum craze
Morkai - lvl 16 human Sorcerer Enchantment*Fire*Illusion
Razziel - lvl 14 TWF Str Slashing Elf Fighter/2 Rogue
Its Blacklist *****
He tries everything he can to get them because he realizes that they are not going to lose value whereas the tome pages (which are farmable) and the items given by the tome pages are going to drop like a rock in a matter of months.
Smart on his part, stupid on the part of anyone who would consider making this trade.
Thats to great..lol ppl just dont get it do they.. Yes tomes are farmable But come on think about it...your looking at about 50-60+hours of runnig it to get tomes,Just think about Saving
ALOT of time here.Drop rate sucks so,so if u think about it how much time u save
LOL.Free Bump
Proud Member of Draconic
Thrann-14 Barbarian
Hildor-14 Sorcerer
Thranduil-14 Ranger
Lol i actually agree wit Pecky hehe, yea the tomes are farmable and it will take maybe 2 weeks to get all the tomes or quicker if u know what ur doin, but a w/p rapier which is basically the rarest weapon in the game. So u would trade a weap that very few people have and is extremely saught after for tome pages that are easily farmable? makes no sense, and yes u are tryin to rip people off, no one in their right mind would trade a rapier for tome pages. oh and enjoy the bump
Sure Thrann, that is true.
Undoubtably there is a time commitment to obtaining nearly any item in the game. But lets take a look at the dragon scale armor. The armor that people had to have. Just coulnd't live without. The armor that people were paying OVER 1M plat PER scale for. Now, only a few months later, people give them away because they dont' want them anymore and was it worth it to pay/trade that much for a set? No.
But in their greed to have what the perceived as the best, they were willing to do so. Foolhardy at best. Now you can get the scales cheap or free and ultimately the armor wouldn't/didn't make your character any less effective. The same can be said for the tome pages. Those weapons, while some are nice, are not going to make your character into something others will envy. They will not make your character godlike and so why pay such a huge price when just down the road and around the next curve you'll get the tome pages for 1/10th the cost.
Ill im trying to do is save people time if they want..I know the rapier is nice but, its all about what u want and need, if u dont need the rapier and want a set of tomes why not trade it for what u want..Im not twisting anyones arms here..If u want the Complete tome set its urs..
And thanks for the feedback Knuckles and pecky, I dont know what the rest of the server would do without u guys throwing in ur opinion all the time..
Yea, seems like there having a hard time with me posting such a post..
Anywase, um Tome set still up for grabs, I have a couple of people trying to get me a rapier, but no dice yet..so Tomes r still here..
Im far from envious and ur callin me a troll? lol dont make me laugh wait i just did. I just dont like people gettin cheated outa items, and just like everythin people deserve to see both sides of the story which is that the rapier is worth way more then the tomes due to the tomes attainability compared to the rarity of the rapier.
If u actually get a rapier for this then all i can say is grats on rippin that person off.
oh and ur welcome for another free bump.
You can build an entire character around a wounding puncturing rapier. The same cannot be said for any of the tome page weapons.
Aelvara - Bagel - Bagelbot - Daarna - Kraldor - Minibagel - Uberlute - Wounder
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