greetings fellow argo-mabarians
i recently got my 8 tome pieces after much haggling, trading , hoarding etc... and man was i excited
i was so elated to get my weapon--i saw the list from the staic loot thread and narrowed my choice to 3 --Sever, Twinblade, Phosphor
Now i am a 14 lvl Fighter with moderate UMD and a boatload of pretty nice weapons. I admit i continue to play for items and the camraderie of my guildmates--INCARNATION--general great frun.
Now i was so excited my hear t actually was pounding ( rare for some who celebrated the 10th anniversary of his 25th birthday
I saw them thought about the current mod and creatures...limb choppper cool but 19-20 chops limb off BAHH my vorp khopesh of 20 rolling is as good.
So twinblade and phosphor. considering the current MOD i went with Phosphor it has sunburst ridiculous dmg to undead and oozes--a whopping 12d6 on crits. Now I fully admit here to not reading fully the description of the weapon so save your responses. I saw sunburst and 12d6. I wrongly assumed the heavy mace would operate like every other burst weapon---NORM damg + LIGHT (the sun part) dmg on non crits then on crits it would be NORM dmg +LIGHT DMG+LIGHT BURST dmg. and work on all undead.
ALAS this is not the case for either situation . dont get me wrong seeing a red 25 +80 was exciting but after several swings. It was not better than wielding +2 HOLY BURST KHOP of PG with my etehreal bracers. anyhoo
my rant is that the effect SHOULD NOT be called sunburst like acid burst or icy burst or holy burst because quite simply it is not the standard burst weapon.
I enjoy the weapon and start my second quest for 8 tome pieces so can i can get something else.
CAVEAT EMPTOR is the old saying -LOL i guessthanks for reading and proceed with the responses such as read better fool!!