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  1. #1
    Community Member BereanMalachi's Avatar
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    Default Idea to get rid of plat farmers

    Ok so those of us who do not grind out one quest until it is ransacked, get another toon and ransack it rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat , rinse and repeat.....we are hurting for some decent loot, clerics I have noticed are not getting the customary monitary donation for their efforts.... I know cause I am usually very generous.... howeve I have nothing to offer after selling and repairing I am lucky to end up with maybe 1k pp leave alone trying to afford the ungodly expensive potions. Wizzarda and sorcs are all now specked to do mad damage and not buff... so its pots or nothing 1 k plat well thats barely enough for 10 pots ....

    I have concluded that DDO must be trying to crack down on plat farmers !!! OK I love it I support it !!! I an agreed upon it!!!! But Dang!!! Why are the players getting slammed ?!!! Why is the loot so bad that we cannot even eak out an existance?!!!!

    To try to avoid this and have a somewhat better increase in loot and be able to make a half way normal existance . STOP allowing monitary trade person to person, stop allowing mass mailings, and the mailings of money from person to person. Continue to allow ITEM only trades rez scrolls, heal scrolls, ect . The clerics can get reimbersed, the players can afford the items and the plat farmers are effectively cut off their trade!!! Now if you are guilded ... mailing money, or on a friends list everybody knows the plat farmers use different accounts to loot trade ect and it all depends on being different and mailing and hand offs !!!!! It seems simple to me ... the code may be difficult but in the long run more effective , and more cost efficient that banning 3000 accounts ect !!!

  2. #2
    Community Member lenric's Avatar
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    I still think Turbine should set up a good old fashioned sting....have a turbine employee or even just a player for the sake of it, order up a bunch of stuff from a bunch of different plat sites...then once the items/plat are delivered have those chars and all the chars on that account deleted....those characters mailing the items are probably the mules holding all of the items/plat that the platfarmers are accumilating. So once those chars are destroyed there go a bunch of the stuff that they were trying to sell. Having less things to sell=less business for them...less business for them = less chance of having them around...Also I know that turbine can monitor the mail and see who is sending what to in the off chance those mules mailing/getting things to people that have ordered them are just accounts used that are getting things mailed to them specifically to give away and are not holding the majority of the farmed items. So in this case Turbine can monitor the mail of the offending person(the one giving things to the orderer) and see which characters are mailing him those things. It will probably be the case that the characters mailing the things to the salemen are either the plat/item farmers themselves that are accumilating the items or the mule that I talked about earlier...either way getting rid of either of the two is a way to 1. decrease the amount of items the sites have access to(by deleting the mule or the high level platfarmer supplying the mule.)
    2. create such a setback in the business that they give up(if all their items get gone b/c of such stings and deletion of mule accounts, they can't hardly run a business with no product to offer now can they?)

  3. #3
    Community Member BereanMalachi's Avatar
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    Sep 2006


    a good idea overall and i do not mean to put it down or negative about it ... but honestly in the end more work that just eliminating the possibility of trading plat... of course in your method the trading of item that were purchased also is effected and needs to be as well .... maybe a compilation of both ?

  4. #4
    Community Member Ringos's Avatar
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    How many of us have traded/sent money with other guild members? How about passing a few bucks to a cleric? This would make it so people would have to go buy stuff for other people. This would not be good.
    Ringos-JohnDenver-Lillis-Dacta-Erahn-CPants-Jhain : Silver Waffle

    "You assume that Clay is an ass because he's Legion..." Shyver

  5. #5
    Community Member ehondajim's Avatar
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    This was an idea I had, I don't know if it'll work but I'd appreciate your input. Spam and farming are against the EULA right?
    In effect they are breaking their agreement not to harass player right?

    All those in game mail spams could be considered. Would a class action law-suit for harassment against plat farmers and the companies that support them be feasible?

    I know we have player from all walks of life and professions I'd like to hear a gaming lawyer weigh in on this one.


  6. #6
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ehondajim View Post
    This was an idea I had, I don't know if it'll work but I'd appreciate your input. Spam and farming are against the EULA right?
    In effect they are breaking their agreement not to harass player right?

    All those in game mail spams could be considered. Would a class action law-suit for harassment against plat farmers and the companies that support them be feasible?

    I know we have player from all walks of life and professions I'd like to hear a gaming lawyer weigh in on this one.

    Gaming lawyer? If such a profession exists its proof positive that our society is doomed and overlawyered.

    Plat farmer spam is less pervasive and less problematic than junk mail delivered by the post office to my door. A lawsuit has no merit.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by BereanMalachi View Post
    Ok so those of us who do not grind out one quest until it is ransacked, get another toon and ransack it rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat , rinse and repeat.....we are hurting for some decent loot, clerics I have noticed are not getting the customary monitary donation for their efforts.... I know cause I am usually very generous.... howeve I have nothing to offer after selling and repairing I am lucky to end up with maybe 1k pp leave alone trying to afford the ungodly expensive potions. Wizzarda and sorcs are all now specked to do mad damage and not buff... so its pots or nothing 1 k plat well thats barely enough for 10 pots ....

    I have concluded that DDO must be trying to crack down on plat farmers !!! OK I love it I support it !!! I an agreed upon it!!!! But Dang!!! Why are the players getting slammed ?!!! Why is the loot so bad that we cannot even eak out an existance?!!!!

    To try to avoid this and have a somewhat better increase in loot and be able to make a half way normal existance . STOP allowing monitary trade person to person, stop allowing mass mailings, and the mailings of money from person to person. Continue to allow ITEM only trades rez scrolls, heal scrolls, ect . The clerics can get reimbersed, the players can afford the items and the plat farmers are effectively cut off their trade!!! Now if you are guilded ... mailing money, or on a friends list everybody knows the plat farmers use different accounts to loot trade ect and it all depends on being different and mailing and hand offs !!!!! It seems simple to me ... the code may be difficult but in the long run more effective , and more cost efficient that banning 3000 accounts ect !!!
    About healing and buffing: play with my char, both caster and cleric, and I will gauentee you will not use a single pot unless you stray too far ahead.
    +The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!

  8. #8
    Community Member ehondajim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien the First One View Post
    Gaming lawyer? If such a profession exists its proof positive that our society is doomed and overlawyered.

    Plat farmer spam is less pervasive and less problematic than junk mail delivered by the post office to my door. A lawsuit has no merit.
    I meant a lawyer that plays DDO.

    Anyway it was just a thought

    Besides whats another frivolous lawsuit?

  9. #9
    Community Member MondoGrunday's Avatar
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    plat farmers will exist as long as we provide them a market. if people in game stopped buying from them they will disappear very quickly. the problem isn' t the farmers, its the people that use them.
    Guilds: Wrath of God & Keepers of the BorderlandPalladia Mors- Fighter 16 Vaevictis Asmadi-Bard 16 Darigaaz TheIgniter- Paladin10/Rogue4/Fighter1 Bladewing The Risen -Sorcerer 16 Necrosavant -Barb 12/Fighter2/Bard 2Mondo Grunday - Rogue 14/Ranger2 Spiritmonger-Barb14/Ranger2-Propaganda-Cleric3/Ranger2Serraangel -14 Wizard/RogueMortify - 14 Paladin/2Monk

  10. #10
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    Hey! First I have to put up with a bunch of rabblerousing skeletons outside my shop, now we have some protester trying to eliminate my ability to sell supplies! What are you trying to do, shut down Qwijymart? What did Qwijy ever do to you?

  11. #11
    Community Member Nott's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MondoGrunday View Post
    plat farmers will exist as long as we provide them a market. if people in game stopped buying from them they will disappear very quickly. the problem isn' t the farmers, its the people that use them.
    Great, you've identified the problem. Now, what's the solution... push a magic button and make all those people disappear? Change human nature and make it apply retroactively? What steps can Turbine, the group responsible for enforcing their EULA, take to eliminate this problem without hurting their financial bottom line? (After all, if it costs them too much, they're not going to do it, right?)

  12. #12
    Community Member Beherit_Baphomar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ehondajim View Post
    I meant a lawyer that plays DDO.

    Anyway it was just a thought

    Besides whats another frivolous lawsuit?
    Where Foenorth at??!?

    And OP, are you saying that yer loot sucks? I hope not....Yer suggestion to make loot better is...well, silly. Loots already out of control, everyone and their mama has dont run as often as some, so those that DO run till ransacked, what kind of loot are they gonna have if you up the tables?

    Those that dont play as often, or as hard as others, are never going to see the loot that the 24/7 crowd have...thats just the way it is.
    Binding is Admitting Defeat ~ Yndrofian
    Of The O.S.D, Argonnessen
    Quote Originally Posted by Grace_ana View Post
    At least I'm not on G-Land.

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