I've been building various TWF builds incorporating self healing and buffing mainly using Bard builds. The following is a concept for a level 20 build that can buff themselves to epic proportions... It is not a Bard but a Cleric/Wizard/Fighter. It has a few buffs that Bards can't cast like 30 pt. resists, stoneskin, and jump. It also can self cast full heals all without the use of scrolls which slow down combat.
The main reason for this being that most all good buff spells are level 4 and below, and BAB is not as important for clerics with divine power.
Anyway, thought I would post it for what it's worth for comments or anyone looking for a different build that should ultimately work out quite well. The plan at the current cap is Cleric 11/Wizard 2/Fighter 1. Basically you can easily be the main cleric in the group with plenty of spell points and full healing abilities as well as dish out some DPS with TWF.
When the cap goes to 16 a level of fighter at 15 to pick up GTWF and and basically finishing out wizard the rest of the way. This is meant to be a DPS/Tank build with stoneskin, displacment, fearsome, 30 pt. resists and 400+ hit points. Obviously you might have to explain the build for PUG groups or might have some trouble getting into some of them.
Even at the 14 cap you can scroll blur easily on a caster check and use level 3 scrolls fairly reliably.
Main Goals:
Self Healing
30 pt. Resists
Many cool buffs

Plenty of hit points
One note is that most/all of the to-hit damage buffs stack with Bard buffs so if a Bard is in the group it gets even better.
(28 Point Build Stats: I would dump the extra in Int/Con)
Dwarf Male Neutral Good Cleric 11/ Wizard 7/Fighter 2
Str 16 (32 =16 +5 Levels +2 Tome +1 Enh. +6 Spell +2 Rage)
Dex 16 (22 =16 +1 Tome +5 Item)
Con 12 (24 =12 +2 Favor Tome +2 Enh. +6 Item +2 Rage)
Int 8 (14 =8 + 6 Item)
Wis 14 (22 =14 +2 Enh +6 ltem)
Cha 6
Level Progression:
3 thru 12-Cleric
13 thru 14-Wizard
16 thru 20-Wizard
Jump or Balance (Quicken on 24/7)
2-(FB) TWF
12-IC Slashing
13-(WB) Maximize
15-Mental Toughness
18-(WB) Empower
18-Improved Mental Toughness
Dwarf Axe Attack II
Dwarf Axe Damage II
Dwarf Toughness IV
Dwarf Con II
Cleric Wisdom II
Cleric Life Magic IV
Fighter Critcal Accuracy I
Fighter Haste Boost I
Cleric EOZ III
Dwarf Spell Defense III
Fighter Toughness I
Fighter Strength I
Wizard Elemental Manipulation III
Wizard Lineage of Elements II
Cleric Prayer of Life III
Cleric Prayer of Incredible Life II
Dwarf Faith I
136(Levels) +20(Heroic) +10(Draconic) +30(GFL) +140(Con) +22(Helm) +22 Toughness +55(Tough Enh) =435
485(11 Cleric) +295(7 Wiz) +120(Wis) +32(Int) +100(Magi) +80(EOZ III) +105(MT) +105(IMT) +15(Faith) =1337
Spells Wizard: 5,4,3,2
1-Shield, Exp Retreat, Jump, Ray of Enfeeblement, Magic Missle
2-Blur, Scorching Ray, False Life, Repair Moderate
3-Haste, Displacement, Rage
4-Stoneskin, Wall of Fire
Spells Cleric:5,5,5,4,3,2
1-Nightshield, Divine Favor, Shield of Faith, Remove Fear, Prot from Evil
2-Lesser Restore, Resist Energy, Remove Paralysis, Aid, Defiec Vengeance
3-Prot From Energy, Remove Blindness, Remove Curse, Remove Disease, Dispel Magic
4-Divine Power, Freedom of Movement, Recitation, Death Ward
5-Spell Resistance, Flame Strike, Raise Dead
6-Heal, CometFall
Saves (Fort/Reflex/Will):
Base: 12/5/12
Attributes: 7/6/6
Resistance: 5/5/5
Greater Hero: 4/4/4
Recitation: 2/2/2
Total: 30/22/29
To Hit:
BAB (Divine Power) 20
Str 11
Divine Favor 3
Recitation 2
Weapon 5
Greater Hero 4
Racial Dwarf 2
TWF -2
Total: +45
Strength 11
Weapon 5
Racial Dwarf 2
Divine Favor 3
Total: 21/15
Outside of Bard songs you get just about every good combat buff in the game lasting with extend 14+ minutes. The biggest downside is that the added wizard buffs come late with level 2 spells at 16, 3 at 18, and 4 at 20.
If they ever added the mystic theurge PRC that would be a great thing for this build.
As an added bonus you can with max/empower and a healthy spell point pool drop the occasional fire wall/blade barrier combo and stand right in the middle of it swinging away.