Just downloaded game onto new comp straight from the box. Comp is HP w AMD processor 500mb, 3G ram, runs Vista etc. Logged in and partied up for sc elite run. My voice showed as enabled but rest of party showed as having no voice. My hot-keyed push to talk showed nothing when used and I could not hear myself talk in headphones but could hear all game sounds. Could hear no party chat or see party chat. Checked party chat to see incoming and outgoing settings. All were correct. Guild chat showed when I used but I could see none from other members, just my own, and got no responses to mine. Tells worked both directions.
Upon entering bar before doing quest I could see no party members though they assured me they could see me. Also could see only npcs in bar, no other characters outside party. Then ,when they entered mission, it showed as inactive. Upon entering quest I could see them but no interaction possible except tells. Opened Ventrilo which works fine.
Typing party chat showed in the window but upon sending message, no text appears in party screen and no sound so I could hear it was sent. Alert sounds from tells worked fine.
Also, in my general chat upon logging in, there is a message reading : Voice chat temporarily unavailable, please try again later. The party assured me their voice worked fine..
Is this faulty download or is the Norton running in background maybe having some effect? Should I remove and reinstall game?