Well, we finally did it. What an event to remember! Our level 8ish Argonauts Union toons (with a few level 6-7 slackers), did our first Tempest Spine run on normal.
Great fun was had by all. Chayste had to turn school-marm momentarily when a certain couple of naughty sorcerers (Biggsexy and Alorious) decided to zerg to their heart's content and nearly wipe the party. (UGH...those two together = TROUBLE). In one particular battle, a helpful Zerggie (Lessah) gathered some friends and brought them to us for an attack from behind.And what's more, is the Union discovered Yaga really is a NOOB, when he got lost and got Mashbot (Tommyboy) lost with him. Oh, and for some reason, everytime the party turned around, Conspiracyy (Aspharr) was dead!
It was almost smooth sailing (thanks to the trio of Mashbot, Katalia and Chayste keeping the naughty sorcs alive), until we reached the final boss battle. Yikes. If you haven't been back in TS since the changes, he's a bit tougher now.Alorious loaded in dead.
There were lots of pesky knock-offs, which complicated the situation. In the end, the always uber Akla whittled him down while a surprisingly living Biggsexy polished him off with magic missile. (See Akla, you have to stay!!! Akla PWNS Argonessen!!!)
Ah, in truth, it was a total blast! Perhaps in another level we'll be ready to hit it on hard. A big thank you for all the Argonauts Union members. You guys have truly made this journey a blast. Looking forward to more adventures!
(We still have room for a few more if anyone is interested in joining us!)