im giving this stuff away guildies and friends get choice, lets not be greedy limit 2 items per person. this is only round 1 more to come next couple days i have to much stuff and im limiting my playing to 1-2 nights a week.
i only need a con tome if you have you can trade me for something if not you can still get your 2 items,
dwarven axes
+3 acid of giant bane lev 10 [ gone ]
+1 vorpal less giant bane lev 12 [ gone ]
+5 flaming lev 10
+5 thundering of enfeeble lev 14
+3 holyof less dragon lev 10 [ gone ]
axe of adaxus lev 12 [ gone ]
+1 flametouch of smiting lev 10 [ gone]
+2 holyburst of shatter lev 12
+5 adamantine lev 8 [ gone ]
+5 anarchic lev 12
+1 frost of dragon bane lev 6 [ gone ]
+5 frost of vert +2 lev 12
+5 acid of deception lev 12
other weapons
+4 shocking burst cold iron battleaxe of pg lev 12 [ gone ]
+1 banishing cold iron warhammer of rightous lev 12 [ gone ]
+4 acid warhammer of vert [ gone ]
+3 battleaxe greater elem bane lev 10 [ gone ]
+2 paralyze bastard rr dwarf lev 12
+4 crippling bastard of giantbane rr dwarf lev 12
+2 keen bastard of disruption rr dwarf lev 12 [ gone ]
+5 adamantine greatsword lev 8
+3 icyburt lt mace of pg lev 10 [ gone ]
+2 seeker +2 lt mace greater orc bane rr halfling lev 8
+1 seeker +2 battleaxe of disruption lev 12 [ gone ]
+1 keen battleaxe of smiting lev 12 [ gone ]
other stuff
+4 ghost touch mithral tower shield less acid resist rr dwarf lev 12
belt neutralize poison 5 charges
ring improved cold resist [ gone ]
+1 deathblock mitral brestplate less fire resist lev 10 [ gone ]
+5 lgt mithral shield less lightning resist [ gone ]
cloak improved sonic
char cloak of greater fire resist lev 13 [ gone ]
boots of jump +13 [ gone ]
underwater bandana of bluff+10
feather falling boots of tumble lev 7
+4 con ring of sr 13 lev 13 [ gone ]
+5 str ring of lt fort
more stuff on heal
muckbane [ gone ]
reavers ring [ gone ]
superior devotion V club lev 8 [ gone ]
disiese immun neckless haggle +10
+3 icyburst heavy mace pg lev 10 [ gone ]
char cloak of haste 5-charges [ gone ]
20% striders of jump +5 rr human lev 11
+4 adamantine heavy macelev 6
ring solid fog 5- charges [ gone ]
+2 greater combustion VII heavy mace lev 10 [ gone ]
+3 greater potency VI sceptor lev 12 [ gone ]
+2 dagger magi lev 10
cloak of resistence +4 lev 11 [ gone ]
ogre power +1 greater false life belt lev 13
popX lev 9 [ gone ]
+1 paralyze lt mace vert +2 lev 12 [ gone ]
+1 paralyze sickle backstab +1 lev 12 [ gone ]
+3 superior potency V heavy mace lev 12 x 2 [ gone ]
+4 wis +5 diplo ring lev 13
post what you want in this thread or pm i will be checking regularly see ya akla