It seems to me that with Protection from Elements and Globe of Invulnerability, an 11Pal/3ftr or 11Pal/2Rog/1Ftr could be an invaluable caster/mind-flayer stopping DPSer. Has anyone experimented with this at all? I know the feat commitment is quite high, but Globe seems like it'd be pretty darn useful in shutting incoming damage down, and you'd still have Khopesh+power attack or whatnot for damage-dealing. I'd be tempted to go 11/3 with this, as with protection + paladin saves + resists, the reflex-based damage might not be that big a deal anyway and I might not need evasion as much.
Any thoughts? Am I totally crazy? I know we all hate dragonmarks on the forums, heh, but is there any mileage in this at all? Thanks!