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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Default Crashing in the Orchard!

    New crashing issue. I have never had an issue with crashing since launch. Started with the Mod 5 update (I assume as it only happens in the new content).

    DDO just shuts down. I get a windows error "encountered a problem and needs to shut down".

    This happens ONLY in the orchard and ONLY when in a crypt. It happens at random in any of the indoor encounters. Even if the named creature isnt there.

    Any ideas? Tired of the XP debt I shouldnt be taking.


  2. #2
    Founder & Hero jjflanigan's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Hiniki View Post
    New crashing issue. I have never had an issue with crashing since launch. Started with the Mod 5 update (I assume as it only happens in the new content).

    DDO just shuts down. I get a windows error "encountered a problem and needs to shut down".

    This happens ONLY in the orchard and ONLY when in a crypt. It happens at random in any of the indoor encounters. Even if the named creature isnt there.

    Any ideas? Tired of the XP debt I shouldnt be taking.

    I think I recall some people having issues like this when the mod was first released and they had to disable anti-aliasing and anisotropic filtering to stop the crashing.

    *CAVEAT* I'm old and my memory isn't perfect.

  3. #3
    Founder Perlon_Redpoint's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    I've also played since launch and have never had the game crash until Mod5. I can get it to consistently crash by soloing Invaders with my wizard and DDoor and/or recall out for mana a few times.

    The only other place the game has crashed for me was when I was in the orchard. IIRC, I was recalling (probably more than once) during a group-run of Ghosts of Perdition.

    I'll have to try disabling anti-aliasing and aniso-filter and run Invaders again.

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