I've been playing DDO since Beta and have always been impressed with what a good Bard can bring to the party. I am interesting in trying one out, but am not as familiar with their abilities as I am with the more melee type builds.
I'm looking to create a Bard that is very good at crowd control, can buff the party, and has as many songs as I can get. I am also interested in trying out the healing side of things, so would like to fill in for the cleric where needed. I have no interest in melee fighting with this character. I know that properly built Bards can be good at fighting, and the Warchanter looks cool, but I have many other capped melee types and am looking to try a different style of play.
My questions are:
If I went with a Drow, is an 18 starting charisma enough to be able to land all my spells consistantly at the higher levels, or should I go with a 20? I don't want to gimp my other stats, but if I'm not interested in melee does it matter if strength and dexterity are sitting at 10s? I do have both drow and 32 point characters if that matters.
Which feats should I be looking at? I'm only looking at 5 feats total as a drow, 6 as a human, so I want to make them count. I would most likely be putting UMD into the build for heal and raise scrolls on the cleric replacement side of things, so skill focus:UMD would most likely be one of them.
On the question of skills... I was thinking of maxing out most if not all the charisma based skills that are class skills for a Bard. I'd probably also take jump as I can't stand not being able to move around. Am I missing anything important?
Which spells are useful throughout all the levels. Which are good at the low levels and should be swapped out at higher levels? Are the spell focus feats required in certain schools to make the spells more effective at end game?
What should my target spell point pool be looking like at the higher levels? Does a bard have enough spell points to buff, CC and be a primary healer without going broke on scrolls?
I'm also trying to decide whether to try to fit in either Spellsinger or Virtuoso. Can anyone who's used these at the higher levels let me know the benefits vs. the cost of getting one of them are?
Does Music of the Makers and Music of the Dead land often enough to bother taking them? For that matter, can you actually fit all these enhancements into one build, or do you have to pick and choose. I haven't gotten to the point of trying to spec this out on the character builder yet.
Okay, I think that's enough rambling for one post. If any of the well informed Bards out there could help out a bard-newb, I'd greatly appreciate it.