Your hit points........ You didnt take toughness......or am I just missing it?
(and of course the toughness enhancement line)
What you want for your off-hand is a tenderizer. Take stunning blow as one of your feats, and with the tenderizer you will stun nearly every time you use the ability plus you have that 5% random chance per attack. Stunning things at will with a deathnip in your main hand = happy barbarian.
Ruse * Ballissta * Mechanikal * Nooksum * Crutchh * Gorrdo * Augustt * Various Lum's
Good thing for us that level 16 is right around the corner.
My halfling barb is this build.......and I wish i'd never taken those 2 levels of fighter. It's tough to have an end-game focus when you only have one capped character, but I knew as soon as I got barb crit I how goot a pure barb WOULD have been.
I have pure barbs and mc barbs. Of my mc barbs, one has two levels of rgr because I like shooting bows. The others have one level of rgr for wand use and I wouldn't have it any other way. They are just as deadly as my pur barb and they can heal themselves and others. This is important for me because I generally play in very small groups and solo. Because I use the one level for rgr, that gives me two more levels to take ftr for the extra feats. It all comes down to: 1) Would mcing be more beneficial to you than staying pure? 2) Are you willing to give up the level 20 Barb feat? 3) Do you normally play with a cleric? If not: 4) Can you afford to heal yourself with just pots?
For me and my situation it is a no-brainer.