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  1. #1
    Community Member parvo's Avatar
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    Mar 2007

    Cool A way for DDO to win

    DDO is unique in the MMO space. There are some great points of difference. I believe the way for DDO to win is to accentuate those differences even further. Here's some of the things I think DDO is great (and different) for:

    --Character progression/customization. Awesome breadth of capabilities for players to try. Practically infinite character progression possibilities. Seemless multi-classing.
    --Traps. If you came from any other MMO, the first time you entered a quest with traps you were inspired.
    --Unique quests. The quests in DDO are awesome. No two are alike.

    The way for DDO to win is simple. Accentuate those positives!
    --Fix those character abilities that are gimped or broken. Bluff skill. Sap feat. Restore potions for raging Barbarians. Spells that land behind moving mobs. Fixing things increases the possibilities and customization players enjoy.
    --Increase the races/classes. I know this is complex and in the works but it can[t come soon enough.
    --Make the traps have some random elements. The first time you saw a DDO trap you were awed. Two billionth time you were yawned. It's not that hard to add some random elements here.
    --Add more quests. Obvious and something Turbine seems to understand well.
    M O R T A L V O Y A G E
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  2. #2
    Community Member GuitarHero's Avatar
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    Feb 2007


    as far as the random trap idea, its been argued "who wants to spawn in a quest in the middle of a trap?".... but heck, it would be simple enough to add a "no spawn zone" for said random traps, such as the entry point, shrines, or what have you.

    i'd love a bit of randomization in traps. Heck, my trapmonkey runs through traps now, and if someone needs help through it.... Sucks to be you...

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by parvo
    The first time you saw a DDO trap you were awed. Two billionth time you were yawned.
    I applaud you on completing a quest two billion times. Dare I ask which quest?
    Server - Thelanis
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  4. #4
    Founder Hvymetal's Avatar
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    Come on entering the dungeon into the middle of a trap would be exciting!!! And if you were trying to keep people out of a place what better place for it?
    R.I.P. E.G.G. 3/4/08

  5. #5
    Community Member Griphon's Avatar
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    Mar 2006



    The -absolute- best thing?

    No 'Hunt 12 X-Monster and come back' quests!!

    If they ever get around to promoting and advertising. (Yes, I know the issues with it.) A great one would be saying something to the extent that this would never happen in DDO.

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